Today marks the beginning of the John 3:16 Conference. Sponsored by Jerry Vines Ministries, the conference allows some of the Southern Baptists Convention’s foremost pastors to respond to the growing presence of Calvinistic theology in the Convention. “Did Jesus die on the cross for every person? Are believers eternally secure? Can grace be resisted? These and many other questions will be addressed. This conference is not going to be a ‘Let’s bash the Calvinists’ conference. This conference is going to be a biblical and theological assessment of and response to 5-point Calvinism. It will be helpful for lay people as well as preachers.”
While I had at first intended to attend the conference, I eventually accepted a conflicting invitation to visit the Dominican Republic with Compassion International. However, Andrew Lindsey was kind enough to volunteer his services as a liveblogger. For the next two days, he will bring live summaries of the conference. You’ll be able to read them right here at the blog. Stay tuned beginning this evening!