Newsweek article.
On Sunday I wrote about a Newsweek article about spirituality in America. Ingrid Schlueter and Albert Mohler have written about it too.
EDIT – Kaleobill chimes in as well.
Newsweek article.
On Sunday I wrote about a Newsweek article about spirituality in America. Ingrid Schlueter and Albert Mohler have written about it too.
EDIT – Kaleobill chimes in as well.
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Life is intimidating at times. Sometimes it’s intimidating, sometimes it’s scary, and sometimes it’s downright terrifying. As we gaze into a future that is uncertain or frightening, our natural tendency is to pursue comfort through control. If we can only gain control over the situation, then we can ward off what frightens us and usher…
A La Carte: “Adolescence” isn’t daring enough / Biblical literacy / I believe in miracles / Christian artists are not priests / The careful justice of hell / Gratitude / and more.
Though we are limited beings with little knowledge, we are proud beings with little humility. When Jesus taught us to pray, he taught us to bring our petitions before the Lord, to bring to him all our cares, all our burdens, all our sorrows. We can and should plead our case before the Lord, for…
A La Carte: Does God withdraw his presence? / Celebrating the Lord’s Supper / Difficult, emotionally-overwhelming seasons / Wisdom for difficult conversations / Why four gospels? / Sales and deals / and more.
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