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Friday Frivolity

I’m always reading statistics. And really I have no choice because our culture seems obsessed with them. I have a question for those of you out there who are more adept than I am with numbers (and, statistically-speaking, I’d guess that this includes over 99% of you). What does it mean when “survey results are considered accurate within 2.9 percentage points, 19 times out of 20.” What on earth does that mean?

One of the most popular videos available over at Google Video is this one. It is some Japanese kid shredding an electric guitar while playing a variation of Pachelbel’s Canon in D Major. I have a great love of classical music and perhaps an even greater love of rock music. I simply love it when the two are combined. Does anyone know of any other examples of a rock-classical fusion like this?

I went and got a hair cut this morning. I have two criteria for choosing a person to cut my hair. First, he must be old. Second, he must have an accent. Those old, European career barbers are so far superior to just about anyone else. They don’t dye, highlight, frost or gel. They cut your hair, talk a little bit, and send you packing. That’s the way it should be. The shop I went to today was great. The interior was classic ’70’s. There was an old man getting his hair cut who said he was 86. He was talking about being married for 60 years and reminiscing about the time he brought his son for his first hair cut in this very shop, some 35 years ago. The barber cutting his hair had given his son his first hair cut all those years ago. That’s my kind of barber shop.

I received a very large box full of DVDs a couple of days ago, so I have my work cut out for me this weekend. I am going to have to spend quite a bit of time in front of the television. I hope that you have a far more constructive weekend!

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