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New & Notable Book Reviews

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I love writing book reviews and I love reading them. Since I cannot possibly read and review all of the interesting books out there, I publish occasional round-ups of reviews written by other writers. Here are a few notable links I’ve collected over the past few weeks.

Subversive Kingdom by Ed Stetzer. Reviewed by Mark Tubbs. “An unrelenting manifesto for sold-out allegiance to, and activity on behalf of, the one true King of kings and Lord of lords. … Using a selection of Jesus’ parables as source texts, Stetzer shows just how subversive Jesus’ teachings were…and are, for they remain eminently applicable to twenty-first century Christian life.” (Learn more and shop at Amazon)

Killing Calvinism by Greg Dutcher. Reviewed by Mike Leake. “Every Calvinist needs to read this book, whether you’re a new member to club Calvin or you’ve been a Calvinist longer than Charlton Heston has been Moses. Even those that are non-Calvinist ought to read this book and see the heart of many within the Reformed/Calvinistic movement. We truly do want to live out the doctrines of grace as Greg Dutcher describes in this book. When we don’t it’s not a fault of the “system” but of our own hearts.” (Learn more and shop at Amazon)

Equipping Counselors for Your Church by Robert Kellemen. Reviewed by Aaron Armstrong. “A much-needed book. It’s practical, helpful and thorough advice offers a strong vision for every-member, one-another ministry—one where every member of the church really is a disciple maker. I’d encourage any church leader to read this book if you’re at all considering incorporating biblical counseling into your ministry—it will take some time, but it will be a blessing to you and your congregation.” (Learn more and shop at Amazon or Westminster Books)

No Ordinary Marriage by Tim Savage. Reviewed by Mike Leake. “If you are needing to step back and take a big picture look at the purpose of marriage there are few better [marriage books] than Tim Savage’s No Ordinary Marriage. … Even a couple that has been married for fifty years would find benefit from this book. I know that I, personally, was challenged to model Christ more fully in cruciform love for my wife.” (Learn more and shop at Amazon or Westminster Books)

The Hunger Games Trilogy by Suzanne Collins. Reviewed by Jeremy Walker. “For some, the sheer bloodiness and cruelty of what is portrayed will be more than sufficient reason to keep the books and the film at arm’s length. I have, I hope, given you enough to indicate that every parent should know what they are doing if they put these books, or allow them to be put, into the hands of their children. For others, the underlying tone and content will simply confirm their instincts against what is portrayed. Others, perhaps, will be tempted to throw one’s hands up and say, ‘Well, it accurately reveals the mess that mankind is in,’ and leave it at that.”

Church Discipline by Jonathan Leeman. Reviewed by Aaron Armstrong. “In this short book, Leeman connects discipline with discipleship, offering a gospel-centered framework, practical case studies of how to approach particular situations and solid advice for church leaders seeking to bring about a proper emphasis on this difficult aspect of discipleship and growing in godliness. … This is not a book for those looking to be convinced of the need to practice church discipline; it’s for the church leader who is already convinced. This approach has its strengths and weaknesses, but overall, readers will be left more or less satisfied.” (Learn more and shop at Amazon or Westminster Books)

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