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Giving Away a Commentary Set

Giveaways / Free Stuff Fridays Collection cover image

The more stuff I give away, the more stuff I’m able to give away. I guess that’s a good thing. Today I am giving away a great little prize: Zondervan’s Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament. The series currently stands at 4 volumes and I’m giving away a complete set. Maybe if we get a big enough response I can convince them to part with another set or two.

Here is where the series stands so far:

  • Matthew by Grant Osborne
  • Galatians by Thomas Schreiner
  • Ephesians by Clinton Arnold
  • James by Craig Blomberg

Exegetical CommentaryWith twenty volumes projected, this looks like it will be a must-have series for the student of the Bible (or the preacher of the Bible at any rate). Here is what Justin Taylor said about it, focusing on the ease-of-use:

I now think that the Zondervan Exegetical Commentary Series on the New Testament is probably the best in terms of creative typesetting and a well thought-through approach for making available the kinds of materials that pastors in particular need in preparing messages. The format it clean and attractive and useful. Especially helpful is the use of Greek instead of transliteration, the sentence flows that look at the logical relationships between the clauses and propositions, and the application section at the end. It’s just the sort of thing I’m looking for when studying a passage, a chapter, or a book.

I agree entirely with his assessment. Here’s a PDF that allows you to check it out.

I’m going to stick with PunchTab to do the giveaway. Some have asked me why. Well, largely it’s because it is really, really convenient. I know a few have had trouble seeing the entry form and I think this may be connected to Internet Explorer. And I know that you still need a Facebook account to participate (though they’re working on opening it up). But bear with me, if you would.

This giveaway will close on Thursday morning.

If you are reading this via Facebook or RSS, please visit the blog to enter

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