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Free Stuff Fridays (Reformation Heritage Books)

Free Stuff Fridays

This week’s Free Stuff Fridays is sponsored by Reformation Heritage Books, who also sponsored the blog this week.

They are giving away five packages of the following books:

Narrow Gate, Narrow Way by Paul Washer

Talk is cheap, and so is a profession of faith apart from repentance. But we live in a day when people put more stock in a once-said prayer than a life reflective of a renewed heart. Taking Matthew 7:13–27 as his text, Paul Washer reminds us of Jesus’s insistence that His way is narrow, and that its travelers will bear good fruit and rest on the solid foundation of God’s Word. Neglecting these warnings from Christ have left many on the broad road to destruction. Don’t think you are heading to heaven if you are not following the way of the Master.

A Colorful Past by William Boekestein

This coloring book introduces children to important characters from church history, focusing on at least one person per century. The basic timeline illustrates how God has woven humanly flawed characters into a single living story. And this story is not over. As children color these pages and see God’s unfolding plan in church history, pray they will learn to praise God for the “wonderful works that He has done” (Ps. 78:4).

Ten Indictments Against the Modern Church by Paul Washer

The modern church is in need of revival. But as author Paul Washer contends, “We cannot simply do what is right in our own eyes and then expect the Holy Spirit to come down and bless our labors.” Truth be told, the devil has little need to oppose the church’s prayer for revival unless God’s people are seeking to live lives and order congregations according to God’s Word. This book examines ten areas where churches have neglected clear biblical direction and need to prayerfully seek reformation.

The Ten Commandments by James Durham

Of the works of James Durham, this exposition of the Ten Commandments was reprinted most often. As with his sermons, it is filled with perspicuous opening of the Word, practical application, and the clearing of “several momentous questions and cases of conscience.” The only regret is that because he was preaching similar material at the time, the coverage of these lectures on the first table is lengthier than the coverage of the second table. Nevertheless, the work has always been held in high regard, and the in-depth treatments of the second, third, and fourth commandments commend it and make it particularly useful today when the Lord’s name, worship, and day of worship are much abused. After 1802, this work was not reprinted again until the Naphtali Press edition of 2002. This new edition has been carefully collated and checked against the first and early editions and the text corrected and notations considerably augmented.

Beginning at Moses by Michael Barrett

For many Christians today, the Old Testament is difficult to understand, seems outdated, and has questionable relevance. But, as Old Testament scholar Michael Barrett points out, all Scripture is inspired by the Holy Spirit and we must read it by faith, seeing that Christ is the key to unlocking the Old Testament’s message. With great knowledge of and contagious passion for the Old Testament, the author shows readers how to identify basic characteristics of Christ and where to look for Him throughout the Old Testament. The author challenges us: “God’s promise throughout the Bible is that those who seek Him will find Him. Beginning at Moses and ending with Malachi, we want to be on Christ alert.”

Theoretical-Practical Theology by Petrus Van Mastricht

Petrus van Mastricht’s Theoretical and Practical Theology presents one of the most comprehensive methods of treating Christian doctrine. In it, Mastricht treats every theological topic according to a four-part approach: exegetical, dogmatic, elenctic, and practical. As a body of divinity, it combines a rigorous, scholastic treatment of doctrine with the pastoral aim of preparing people to live for God through Christ. Students and pastors will find it a valuable model for moving from the text of Scripture to doctrinal formulation that will edify the people of God.

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Giveaway Rules: You may enter one time. As soon as the winners have been chosen, all names and addresses will be immediately and permanently erased. Winners will be notified by email. The giveaway closes Saturday at noon. If you are viewing this through email, click to visit my site and enter there.

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