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Free Stuff Fridays (P&R Publishing)

This week’s Free Stuff Friday is sponsored by P&R Publishing. They are offering Perfect Unity: A Guide for Christian Doctrine and Life to 10 winners.

The world is tearing itself apart over identity politics. What is the answer? Recognizing that two things can be distinct yet inseparable

This concept—rooted in the writings of Augustine, John Calvin, and others—is in fact key to understanding some of the most precious truths about God, humanity, and salvation. Written to Christians of all ages and backgrounds, Ralph Cunnington’s systematic guide to Christian truth presents a challenging, orthodox message that is desperately needed today.

“Brilliant and concise, rooted in pastoral experience, with an abundance of striking examples, this is a great book for new Christians and older ones alike.”

—Robert Letham, Senior Research Fellow, Union School of Theology


There are ten copies to win. All you need to do to enter the draw is to fill in your name and email address in the form below, which will add you to P&R’s mailing list.

Giveaway Rules: You may enter one time. Winners will be notified by email on March 25th, 2024.

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