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Free Stuff Fridays (Living Word Edition)

This week’s Free Stuff Fridays is sponsored by P&R Publishing who also sponsored the blog this week. They are giving away 5 sets of 5 book from their Living Word Bible Studies by Kathleen Nielson. The Living Word Bible Studies offer a guide into deeper study of God’s Word, one whole book at a time. Five days of questions in each lesson lead the way to careful textual study, with helpful context and commentary woven throughout. The aim is to read the Scriptures—and to learn to read the Scriptures—with ever increasing discernment, delight, and conviction.

Each of the winners will receive:

  • Isaiah. “Sometimes called the ‘Romans of the Old Testament,’ the book of Isaiah is a theological masterpiece. Not only does it deliver some of the most beautiful poetry in the Bible, but it also gives us a glimpse into God’s perspective on human history and his magnificent redemptive plan. Kathleen Nielson helps us apply this book to ourselves as the people of God and points us to our Savior, the promised Messiah.”
  • JohnJohnJohn: That You May Believe guides you through what many consider to be the most artful and poetic of the gospels. Opening with a remarkably beautiful, mind-stretching statement of who Jesus is, John clearly reveals Jesus’ identity as the promised Christ, the Son of God, come to bring life to those who believe in his name. Its portrait of the Word made flesh rewards careful study so ‘that you may believe’.”
  • Nehemiah. “Nehemiah is not only an example of great leadership; his story shows us in living color God’s sovereign plan to work through his people for his redemptive purposes in Jesus Christ. Kathleen leads us to immerse ourselves in a dramatic story of God’s people led by a godly leader at a crucial point in salvation history. As we follow the rebuilding of the wall, we witness God’s faithfulness in preserving a chosen people according to his promises, and we realize our need for a savior.
  • ColossiansColossians and Philemon. “Colossians and Philemon are two of Paul’s ‘prison epistles’—letters written while he was imprisoned for preaching Jesus Christ as Lord. Even in the face of persecution, prison bars could not contain Paul’s zeal for the gospel. In his letter to the Colossian church he sounded the alarm of false teaching and encouraged the believers to find sufficiency in Christ. In his letter to Philemon he pleaded for mercy and forgiveness for a runaway slave. Kathleen Nielson helps us see how these messages are still relevant and alive in many ways.
  • Proverbs. “A proverb is wisdom in a poetic nutshell: it is small, like a nut, and gives more and more flavorful meaning as we keep pondering it. In the book of Proverbs we find divinely inspired observations concerning how to live rightly as the people of God. Proverbs’ wisdom is far from theoretical; wisdom given by our Creator relates to every part of his creation—from our words, to our friendships, to our money, to our marriages and children—and on and on. Kathleen Nielson guides us in how to digest the poetry of Proverbs and relish this part of God’s revelation with thankful delight. She encourages us to hear and respond to wisdom’s call and let the light of Christ illuminate our lives.”

Enter Here

Giveaway Rules: You may enter one time. As soon as the winners have been chosen, all names and addresses will be immediately and permanently erased. Winners will be notified by email. The giveaway closes Saturday at noon. If you are viewing this through email, click to visit my site and enter there.

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