This week’s Free Stuff Friday is sponsored by Clarifying The Apostle Paul, who also sponsored the blog this week.
My name is Mitch Maher. I’m the husband of Tara, daddy to three girls, and pastor at Redeemer Community Church in Katy, TX. I’m also the creator of both Clarifying The Bible, which has been promoted on over the years, and Clarifying The Apostle Paul, which sponsored a post just this week.
I’m giving away three copies of Tim Keesee’s latest book A Days Journey: Stories of Hope and Death-Defying Joy.
I’m 50 years old, and these last six years have been the hardest of my life. The political turmoil, social upheaval, and Covid craziness took their toll on us all—our families, our churches, and our nations. On top of this I served our city through the devastation of Hurricane Harvey, endured some painful staff turnover and all that comes with that, buried my dear momma, and saw three planned sabbaticals “disappear” for this reason or that. That’s quite a bit—enough to leave the strongest among us frazzled.
But, I’m just getting started.
- In December 2017 my sweet wife was diagnosed with breast cancer. This was quite a blow. But, after a double mastectomy and reconstructive surgery in 2018 she is doing wonderful—cancer free!
- Then, in May 2021 I was diagnosed with esophageal cancer. An endoscopy I hoped would reveal an esophageal stricture instead revealed a sizeable tumor. Another blow. Yet, after chemotherapy, radiation, major surgery (Ivor Lewis Esophagectomy), and a year of immunotherapy, I am doing great—cancer free and about 40 lbs. lighter!
- Then early this year, in January 2023 our 14-year-old daughter was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. A lump. Surely just an inflamed lymph node. Nope. The hardest of blows. Still, after chemotherapy and radiation, she is doing amazing—it appears cancer free!
Harvey. Staffing. Death. Politics. Upheaval. Covid. CANCER. CANCER. CANCER. It has felt like an old Batman cartoon. Boom! Pow! Wham! Even so, it is well with my soul. God is good all the time; all the time, God is good.

In light of this, I’m giving away three copies of A Days Journey. As readers of, I’m sure you are familiar with Tim Keesee. His work sending Gospel workers to some of the hardest places in the world and his video series and delightful books (Dispatches from the Front and A Company of Heroes) which chronicle the ministry, suffering, and joy of our brothers and sisters across the globe, are worthy of your consideration.
But for the last several years Tim has been fighting an incurable cancer. In his sufferings he has demonstrated great faith, hope, and love, along with a steely resolve that aims to seize as many “Kingdom dreams” as possible before the Lord calls him home. And in this newest book he takes us along for some of the journey. I’ve said to others, “Most books teach us how to live. And A Day’s Journey surely does. But unlike so many others, this book also teaches us how to die. Unless the Lord returns, we must all cross that river. You need to read this book.”
I hope you win a copy!
To Enter
Giveaway Rules: You may enter one time. The winners will be notified by email. The giveaway closes on November 18th at noon.