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Free Stuff Fridays (Christian Focus Publications)

This week’s Free Stuff Friday is sponsored by Christian Focus Publications. They are giving away five copies of Angels: When Heaven Meets Earth by Tim Chester.

Nearly eight in ten Americans believe in angels. Even among those who never attend church it’s four out of ten. In the United Kingdom one in three people believe they have a guardian angel. You may well be one of them. Every tenth person in your street or workplace thinks they may have seen or heard an angel in some way. Books telling the story of angelic encounters are best sellers. Despite the widespread rejection of Christianity in our culture, many people are still fascinated by angels.

But what we can know for sure about angels? Are we dependant on second–hand accounts? Are we left with conjecture and guess work? This book goes back to the most reliable source we have for information about angels – God Himself speaking through the Bible.

Tim Chester delves into the mysterious world of angels and shows us what the Bible says about what angels are, what they do, and where they lead us.

From their operations in the redemptive plan of God, to daily interaction in the lives of human beings, angels have held a fascination in the hearts and minds of believers throughout church history. However, over the past century, this captivation with the angelic world has grown cold. In this new primer, Tim Chester answers common questions and helps reawaken our interest in this vast multitude of God’s creation.

Dustin W. Benge, Provost and professor, Union School of Theology, Bridgend, Wales

People are fascinated by angels. Unfortunately, much popular Christian literature, not to mention non–Christian media, gives scant attention to the actual biblical data about angels. With brevity and faithfulness, Tim Chester guides us to a deeper understanding of these ‘ministering spirits who are sent to serve those who will inherit salvation’ (Heb. 1:14).

Robert L. Plummer, Professor of New Testament Interpretation, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky

In this illuminating and enthralling book, Tim Chester ranges across scripture to explain this apparently mysterious spiritual realm with remarkable clarity and simplicity, and shows us how understanding the nature and role of angels will impact our worship, our emotions, our prayers and our devotion to the Lord Jesus and His gospel. A wonderful biblical overview which opens our eyes to profound truth.

Jonathan Lamb, Minister–at–large for Keswick Ministries, IFES Vice President, and former Director, Langham Preaching

Enter Here

Again, there are five sets to win. And all you need to do to enter the draw is to drop your name and email address in the form below, which will add you to Christian Focus’ mailing list.

Giveaway Rules: You may enter one time. Winners will be notified by email. The giveaway closes on August 31st 2022 at midnight.


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