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Free Stuff Fridays (Boyce College)

Parents of teens are always on the lookout for discipleship material. Today, you are invited to enter the Boyce College/D3 Giveaway to win those resources for free! That includes free tuition for a Boyce College dual credit course valued at over $1,200!

Whether you are a pastor or a parent of teens, you are always on the lookout for ways to grow your student’s faith. Enter to win resources to help accomplish your goals through the Boyce College/D3 Winter Conference Giveaway. Here are some of the items Boyce College and D3 are making available to our contest winners:

Student Discipleship Resource Bundle*

Boyce College dual credit course (3 credit hours) online or on-campus ($,1200 value) plus these books:

  • God and the Transgender Debate, by Andrew Walker
  • Turning Everyday Conversations into Gospel Conversations, by Jimmy Scroggins and Steve Wright
  • How Does Sanctification Work? by David Powlison
  • This Changes Everything: How the Gospel Transforms the Teen Years, by Jaquelle Crowe
  • NASB Grace & Truth Study Bible

Pastor Resource Bundle*:

D3 swag includes a personalized ¼ zip pullover, plus these titles:

  • God and the Transgender Debate, by Andrew Walker
  • Praying the Bible, by Donald Whitney
  • Deep Discipleship, by J.T. English
  • 50 Core Truths of the Christian Faith, by Gregg Allison
  • NASB Grace & Truth Study Bible

*Winners will be drawn randomly and notified by email from Boyce College


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