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Free Stuff Fridays (BJU Seminary)

Free Stuff Friday from BJU Seminary

This week Free Stuff Friday is sponsored by BJU Seminary. They are giving away a bundle of newly published books by their faculty. BJU Seminary equips Christian leaders through an educational and ministry experience that is biblically shaped, theologically rich, historically significant, and evangelistically robust.

Wayward Children: Finding Peace, Keeping Hope by Stuart Scott

To parent a wayward or unbelieving child is one of the most difficult trials a Christian can face. Yet even if this is your experience, there is hope and comfort to be found in God’s Word and God’s character. This 31-day devotional provides daily readings to offer you encouragement, biblical direction, and practical action steps. You yourself are the perfect Father’s child—let this devotional draw you to him, his wisdom, and his guidance every day.

What Does the Bible Say About Salvation? by Layton Talbert

Written as a discipleship tool, this book presents a comprehensive yet concise summary of the doctrine of salvation. While it does not avoid hard topics, it avoids bogging down in them as well. A distinctive feature of this study is that it sets the systematic theological doctrines of salvation within the larger biblical theological context of the Bible’s redemptive storyline. Saturated with Scripture, this soteriological guide aims at helping you think God’s thoughts about why and how He saves any of us, and what that means for how you live life.

Changed into His Image: God’s Plan for Transforming Your Life by Jim Berg

In this time-tested resource for spiritual growth and disciple making, biblical counselor Jim Berg guides readers to understand their sinful nature, renew their minds, and live in a way that pleases God and allows them to better serve him. With a compassionate voice and keen understanding of the human heart’s condition, Berg charts a clear roadmap to genuine, biblical heart change in each chapter.

Both new and mature believers will find Changed into His Image full of rich encouragement and practical exercises to help them to grow in love for their Savior and service to him.

This is a revised and updated edition of Jim Berg’s 1999 classic work by the same title.

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