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Free Stuff Fridays (AccelerateBooks)

Free Stuff Fridays

This week’s Free Stuff Friday is sponsored by who also sponsored the blog this week with the article “How to Stay Sharp and Effective in 2020“. They have five Accelerate Lifetime Memberships to give away.

What is AccelerateBooks?

AccelerateBooks is an arsenal of book summaries, giving busy leaders (like you) access to important insights so you can stay sharp and effective in 2020. More than 3000 leaders currently use AccelerateBooks to access an entire library of existing Book Briefs, with 8 new Book Briefs added each month.

AccelerateBooks enables you to:

  • Save Money by stewarding your finances more wisely with informed book-buying choices
  • Stay Informed and dialed-in to ideas that are shaping the Church and culture
  • Read Widely through weekly exposure to different perspectives
  • Retain Insights with an accessible library of Book Briefs to reference
    … and much more!
  • Here’s what some Accelerate members have to say:

250 Lifetime Memberships

For a very limited-time, AccelerateBooks is offering 250 Lifetime Memberships at a one-time purchase. This offer is available at Afterward, the spots are filled, memberships will return to the regular subscription pricing offered both monthly and annually.

Lifetime Members secure unlimited access to their growing library of Book Briefs for life. All funds that are raised from Lifetime memberships will be used to continue to build AccelerateBooks so they can better serve you and the rest of the 3000+ leaders, pastors, teams, and churches that use AccelerateBooks to stay sharp and effective for ministry. And they’d love for you to join them in their journey!

Five winners will receive an AccelerateBooks Lifetime Membership. If you win this giveaway, you will receive a full refund.

P.S. – If you want to get a feel of their book summaries, feel free to check it out yourself with a Free Book Brief Download of Transforming Grace by Jerry Bridges.

P.P.S. – Check out this video to see how AccelerateBooks works!

Enter Here

Again, there are five Lifetime Memberships to win. And all you need to do to enter the draw is to drop your name and email address in the form below.

Giveaway Rules: You may enter one time. As soon as the winners have been chosen, all names and addresses will be immediately and permanently erased. Winners will be notified by email. The giveaway closes Saturday at noon. If you are viewing this through email, click to visit my site and enter there.

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