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Free Stuff Fridays

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Free Stuff Fridays
This week’s Free Stuff Friday is sponsored by CBD Reformed. There will be 5 winners this week, and each of them will win the following 3 books:

  • Delighting in the TrinityDelighting in the Trinity: An Introduction to the Christian Faith by Michael Reeves – Retail Price $15.00
  • The Hole in Our Holiness: Filling the Gap Between Gospel Passion and the Pursuit of Godliness by Kevin DeYoung – Retail Price $17.99
  • City of Man: Religion and Politics in a New Era by Michael Gerson and Peter Wehner – Retail price $19.99

In addition, CBD Reformed is offering a 4-day sale (December 28 – 31) on the following three products:

You don’t have to win the prizes to take advantage of those three deals.

Giveaway Rules: You may only enter the draw once. Simply fill out your name and email address to enter the draw. As soon as the winners have been chosen, all names and addresses will be immediately and permanently erased. Winners will be notified by email. The giveaway closes Saturday at noon.

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