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Free Stuff Fridays

This week’s Free Stuff Friday is sponsored by Reformation Heritage Books. They always love to put together some great prize packages and this week is no exception. There will be 5 winners this week and each of the winners will receive each of these books:

Passing ThroughPassing Through: Pilgrim Life in the Wilderness by Jeremy Walker. “It is easy to be either a settler or a tourist. When it comes to our relationship to the world in its current shape, the hardest thing is to be a pilgrim. Passing by the glitz and glamor of Vanity Fair, Jeremy Walker reminds us of the solid joys and lasting pleasures of Zion. This is a book not only to be carefully read, but digested over time.” (Michael S. Horton)

Developments in Biblical Counseling by J. Cameron Fraser. “Fair, compelling, and helpful. I hope the book sells very well, and that it advances the cause of Christ as the church grows up in maturity by increasingly learning how to speak the truth in love. It will be required reading in a course of mine.” (Heath Lambert)

Faith Seeking Assurance by Anthony Burgess. “It is not uncommon for professing Christians to question the genuineness of their faith. In seasons like this, they can wonder whether it is even possible to know for sure if they are in a state of saving grace. In this book, Anthony Burgess shows that Christians not only can come to an assurance of their salvation but should pursue it. Burgess provides helpful advice for avoiding a presumptuous spirit while developing a humble confidence in grace. Here is a book that will help you understand the marks of grace and avoid some common abuses associated with self-examination. Read it with an open Bible and a prayerful heart, looking to the Holy Spirit as your faith seeks assurance.”

To Win our Neighbors for Christ by Wes Bredenhof. “To Win Our Neighbors for Christ is a helpful tool for every Reformed Christian seeking to understand and use our confessions in a missional way. It gives the historical background for each of the three forms of Unity and shows that the original intent of our confessions was indeed to reach the lost with the good news of the gospel. It also shows how we as a church need to have that same desire to clearly articulate these truths to our own generation of souls today.” (Richard Bout)

Riots, Revolutions, and the Scottish Covenanters: The Work of Alexander Henderson by L. Charles Jackson. “There has long been a need for a modern, scholarly study of Alexander Henderson, the most important clerical leader of the Scottish Covenanters. Charles Jackson’s carefully researched work helps us to understand why Henderson was so effective and why his death in 1646 was such a loss to the Covenanter movement. The book engages with a number of debates among historians and highlights the importance of religion in Covenanter ideology. It will be of particular interest to students of the British Civil Wars, presbyterianism, and the Reformed tradition.” (John Coffey)

The True Doctrine of the Sabbath by Nicholas Bownd. “No book had more influence in confirming a Sabbatarian ‘heart’ to Puritanism than that of the parson of St. Andrews, Norton, Suffolk, Nicholas Bownd. The True Doctrine of the Sabbath was the first scholarly treatment defending the concept of the Christian Sabbath or Lord’s Day, later embodied in the Westminster Standards. Not reprinted since 1606, this influential work is presented afresh in a new critical edition.”

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Giveaway Rules: You may enter one time. As soon as the winners have been chosen, all names and addresses will be immediately and permanently erased. Winners will be notified by email. The giveaway closes Saturday at noon.

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