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Free Stuff Fridays

This week’s Free Stuff Fridays is sponsored by our friends at Reformation Heritage Books. They are providing some great prize packages this week. There will be 5 winners, and each of the 5 winners will receive these 6 books:

  • SeasonsSeasons of the Heart: A Year of Devotions from One Generation of Women to Another, edit by Donna Kelderman. “A queen, an educator, a missionary, a pastor’s wife. Some of them single, some married, some widowed, some mothers. All of them, like women today, knew the joys and heartaches of life. But the bond that drew this generation of women together—and connects them to women today—was their heart for God and devotion to Christ. In this year’s worth of devotions, you will find spiritual insights from godly women of the past who, like us, struggled with sin, loneliness, and disappointments yet rejoiced in God’s love, mercy, grace, and providential blessings. Join them in the various seasons of their hearts and find timeless encouragement and wisdom from one generation of women to another.” (read more)
  • Why Christ Came: 31 Meditations on the Incarnation, edited by Joel Beeke & William Boekestein. “When thinking about Christ’s birth, we often focus our attention on Luke’s detailed gospel account. But to appreciate the main point of the story—that the eternal Son of God assumed our flesh-and-blood human nature—we need to learn from the rest of the Bible why Christ came to earth. Why did Christ come? In this book, thirty-one thoughtful meditations answer this vital question, and the answers encourage us to celebrate Christ’s birth more deeply, see more clearly how it is connected with the rest of His ministry, and recognize its importance for our lives.” (read more)
  • Life in JesusLife in Jesus: A Memoir of Mary Winslow, edited by Octavius Winslow. “Throughout her checkered life, Mary Winslow experienced much joy and sorrow…In Mary Winslow’s Letters, her heart is revealed and profound spiritual lessons are communicated…Mary Winslow’s letters are a veritable treasure of experimental and practical divinity. Living, vital Christianity is here set out before us in undeniable reality, flowing out of the resurrected Christ. In these pages, we learn, in her own words and by her example, how to ‘deal unceasingly with God as God deals unweariedly with us.” The last chapter alone, covering the final days of her earthly pilgrimage, is well worth the price of the entire book.” (read more)
  • The Holy Spirit and Reformed Spirituality, edited by Joel R. Beeke & Derek W. Thomas. “How does God bring His Word into our lives? The answer is: by the Holy Spirit. By the Spirit the Word was revealed and written. By the Spirit the Word became flesh and dwelt among us. By the Spirit the Word roots itself in the hearts of sinners and produces fruit. Calvin recognized long ago that the Holy Spirit is the bond of union between believers and Christ. Jonathan Edwards said that the Spirit is the sum of all Christ bought for His people with His precious blood. How precious then is the Spirit, and how important to know Him and His ways! In this book, a team of pastor-theologians uncover the rich biblical teachings about the work of the Holy Spirit. How was the Spirit involved in the human life of Jesus Christ? What is a spiritual person? How does the Spirit open the mind of sinners to trust in Christ? What does it mean to serve God in the power of the Spirit? How does the Spirit’s sovereign work relate to our responsibility in evangelism? These questions and more are addressed in this book.” (read more)
  • Gospel MysteryThe Gospel Mystery of Sanctification by Walter Marshall. “The Gospel Mystery of Sanctification presents the culmination of Puritan thought on living the Christian life. Combining doctrinal precision and pastoral sensitivity, Walter Marshall shows how sanctification is essential to spiritual life, dependent on spiritual union with Jesus Christ, and inseparable—though distinct— from justification. He shows how holiness involves both the mind and the soul of the believer and that it is the aim of the Christian life. It is no wonder that this book has been reprinted many times throughout the years and received such high praise from leading ministers of the gospel.” (read more)
  • Memoirs of the Way Home: Ezra and Nehemiah as a call to Conversion by Gerald Bilkes. “Author Gerald Bilkes explains that in the books of Ezra and Nehemiah, we have two first-person accounts, or memoirs, of Israel’s return from exile to the Promised Land. In this winsome Bible study, with questions for individual or group reflection at the end of each chapter, the author introduces readers to the lesser-known Old Testament books of Ezra and Nehemiah and helps us understand that these are not the records of historic feats but rather the confessions of a humble prodigal on a profoundly spiritual journey home. With pastoral warmth, Bilkes demonstrates these biblical memoirs’ relevance for us today as they challenge us to consider whether we are in the far country or, by grace, on our way back home to God.” (read more)

Giveaway Rules: You may enter one time. As soon as the winners have been chosen, all names and addresses will be immediately and permanently erased. Winners will be notified by email. The giveaway closes Saturday at noon.

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