This week’s Free Stuff Fridays is sponsored by Biblical Eldership Resources which also sponsored the blog this week. They are offering 5 prize packages this week, which means there will be 5 winners, each of whom will receive the following three products:
Biblical Eldership by Alexander Strauch. “With over 200,000 copies in print, this comprehensive look at the role and function of elders brings all the advantages of shared leadership into focus. Beginning with the four broad categories of eldership (leading, feeding, caring, and protecting), Biblical Eldership explores the essential work of elders, their qualifications (including why qualifications are necessary), their relationships with each other, and each of the biblical passages related to eldership. Written for those seeking a clear understanding of the mandate for biblical eldership, this full-length, expository book defines it accurately, practically, and according to Scripture.”
- Biblical Eldership: Study Guide by Alexander Strauch. “Trying to organize a discussion around the complete text of any full-length book can be unwieldy, and Biblical Eldership is no exception. Now, with the help of this discussion guide, the elders at your church can review the principles of the book and personalize them to your setting in a few manageable sessions. By capturing the major points and themes of Biblical Eldership in one-page summaries with discussion questions, the Biblical Eldership Discussion Guide will help you bridge the gap between understanding and application.”
- Christian Maturity: Based on the Qualifications for Elders (includes a self-evaluation and two laminated cards).
I consider Biblical Eldership a must-have resource for pastors and church leaders, so I’m excited to be able to give away these prizes!
Enter Here
Giveaway Rules: You may enter one time. As soon as the winners have been chosen, all names and addresses will be immediately and permanently erased. Winners will be notified by email. The giveaway closes Saturday at noon. If you are viewing this through email, click to visit my site and enter there.