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Free Stuff Fridays

Giveaways / Free Stuff Fridays Collection cover image

This week’s Free Stuff is sponsored by CBD Reformed. They are offering 5 prize packages this week, which means there will be 5 winners. Each of those winners will receive the following 3 items:

  • True BeautyTrue Beauty by Carolyn Mahaney & Nicole Whitacre – Retail price $15.99. “What is true beauty? Whether it’s age-defying makeup or the latest diet fad, our culture continually tells women that beauty consists of flawless skin and a supermodel figure. In True Beauty, Carolyn Mahaney and her daughter Nicole Whitacre direct us to the truth of God’s Word, where we encounter an entirely different—and refreshingly liberating—standard of beauty. Offering a path to freedom from the false idols that society, the Devil, and our sinful hearts so often create, this encouraging book will help you exchange the temporary glamour of pop culture for the unfading beauty of godliness.”
  • God Is Great: A Toddler’s Bible Storybook by Carolyn Larsen – Retail Price $11.99. “In God Is Great, Carolyn Larsen and illustrator Caron Turk provide a wonderful resource for children ages five and under by presenting seventeen Bible stories in an understandable and fun way. In simple language, Larsen describes what God has done in the story of our world, beginning with the creation account and moving through the Great Commission. As children learn about the ways in which God has shown his greatness in the past, they will also learn about his character and how he is still great today.”
  • IdolsIdols of the Heart: Learning to Long for God Alone by Elyse Fitzpatrick – Retail Price $13.99. “Many people desire to live godly lives but feel trapped in habitual sins. They trip over the same bad habit, embarrassing weakness, or sinful slavery they wanted to be free of years ago. This book reveals that idolatry lies at the heart of every besetting sin. If you think of idols as stone statues in far-off lands, think again. Idols are the desires, longings, and expectations we worship instead of the true God.”

In addition, CBD Reformed is offering a 4-day sale (November 28 – December 1) on the following three products:

Enter to Win

All you need to do to enter the draw is to drop your name and email address in the form below. (If you receive this by email, you will need to visit to enter.)

Giveaway Rules: You may enter one time. As soon as the winners have been chosen, all names and addresses will be immediately and permanently erased. Winners will be notified by email. The giveaway closes Saturday at noon.

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