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Free Stuff Fridays

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Free Stuff Fridays

I’ve got a new sponsor to introduce you to this morning–Kress Biblical Resources. Kress publishes books by quite a few different authors, many of whom are in one way or another connected to John MacArthur and The Master’s Seminary. “Kress Biblical Resources is setting a new standard in timely, clear, and doctrinally sound books and resources for pastors and Bible students. Our authors are approved workmen, not celebrities. Our books are designed to stand the test of exegesis, not chase after every new wind of doctrine.”

They are offering a total of ten prizes and each of the winners will be able to decide which prize package they would prefer. These packages come in two flavors:

Pastor & Teacher

The first prize package includes three books that are geared toward pastors and teachers. This includes:

  • The Pastoral Epistles for Pastors is a unique blend of exegesis and exposition. Its 624 pages include study of the Greek, and English text, application tools, expositional outlines, and annotated bibliography on the pastoral epistles.
  • In The Discipline of Mercy, pastors and counselors Eric Kress and Paul Tautges take us deep into the book of Lamentations where we are exhorted to place our hope fully in the faithful mercy and loyal love of a gracious God—no matter the extent of our suffering
  • God in Everyday Life combines a few of the varied elements and styles of different types of study aids into one resource, in order to facilitate the biblical exposition and application of the book of Ruth. This is an expositional commentary, along with tools to help apply the biblical text.


General Readers

The second prize package is geared toward general readers and includes three books targeted at the rest of us (and written by Greg Harris). This includes:

  • The Cup and the Glory takes the reader on a profound study through the Scriptures, uncovering biblical truths on how to respond to, and embrace suffering to the glory of God.
  • The Darkness and the Glory examines the cross from Christs perspective and provides a compelling behind-the-scenes look at the profound spiritual and theological realities of Calvaryrealities that transcend the physical, as the wrath of man was surpassed by both the wrath of Satan and ultimately the wrath of God.
  • In The Stone and the Glory, Greg Harris takes his readers on a profound journey through the Scriptures as they explore the glorious realities of the stone prophecies

Here is a video of John MacArthur discussing these books and their author:

Again, there will be a total of ten winners. Each winner will be given the option of choosing the General Reader package or the Pastor & Teacher package.

Giveaway Rules: You may only enter the draw once. Simply fill out your name and email address to enter the draw. As soon as the winners have been chosen, all names and addresses will be immediately and permanently erased. Winners will be notified by email. The giveaway closes Saturday at noon.

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