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Free Stuff Fridays

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Free Stuff Fridays

With only a few short weeks left of summer vacation, this is a great time to get back into the discipline of individual Bible reading and family devotions. To help you, The Good Book Company ( is giving away ten ‘family devotional toolkits’, each containing 3 outstanding resources for family Bible reading.

Table Talk for families is a series of devotions for parents to use with kids aged 4 through 10. Designed for use around the table at breakfast or dinner, each day focuses on a few short verses and stays in a passage of scripture for about a week at a time. Click here to check out some sample pages.

XTB (Explore the Bible) is designed for 7 to 10 year olds to use on their own and encourages them to understand, apply and pray through the Bible in an accessible and thought-provoking way. It links with Table Talk, looking at the same passages daily, so they are great tools to use to reinforce the message of God’s word for your children. Click here to check out the contents.

Remember, Remember aims to help kids memorize God’s living Word. It is easily adaptable and works fantastically alongside any children’s training material, including Table Talk and XTB. There is a great interview with the author here.

That’s a $26 value for free. There is no better time than the present to start hiding God’s Word in your children’s hearts and developing the discipline of Bible reading and devotion that will grow your family spiritually. The Good Book Company is committed to providing the tools to help you do that.

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