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Free Stuff Fridays

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Free Stuff Fridays

Another Friday is upon us and by now you know what that means–another edition of Free Stuff Fridays. This week’s sponsor is Shepherd Press, a name well-known among us, I’m sure. They are giving away 10 copies of Jim Andrews’ great book Polishing God’s Monuments. This was my favorite book of 2007 and one that both moved and blessed me. It tells the story of a young woman and her devoted husband who have faced a lifetime of mysterious, devastating illness. Written by the young woman’s father, the book intersperses narrative with teaching, experience with theology.

As I wrapped up my review of the book I wrote:

As I closed the cover on this book, 294 pages (yet only one day) after beginning, it struck me that this is undoubtedly one of the best books I’ve read so far this year. I skimmed back through my files to see how many other books I’ve read in 2007 and can see that it is at least sixty or seventy. So it’s no small thing to realize that this is one of the best. I simply can’t recommend Polishing God’s Monuments too highly. I wholeheartedly agree with Bruce Ware who writes, “To enter into this theological reflection on suffering is to accept the challenge to grow deeply in Christ, and to cherish the sure and certain promise of the gospel.” This book gripped my heart and helped me cherish the promises of the gospel like few books I’ve read recently. I commend it to you, trusting you will benefit from it as I have. Perhaps the greatest tribute I can render Polishing God’s Monuments is this: I read almost 300 pages about suffering and pain, yet closed the book with tears of joy in my eyes, rejoicing at the greatness of our sovereign and gracious God.

It truly is an excellent book and one that will be a blessing to you.

Each of five winners will receive two copies of the book–one to read and one to give away or donate to the church library.

Rules: You may only enter the draw once. Simply fill out your name and email address to enter the draw. As soon as the winners have been chosen, all names and addresses will be immediately and permanently erased. Winners will be notified by email. The giveaway closes Saturday at noon.

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