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Free Stuff Fridays

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Free Stuff Fridays
This week’s Free Stuff Friday is sponsored by Indelible Grace Music. For years now Indelible Grace has been at the forefront of the new hymns movement, setting old hymns to new music. Since I first heard their music (via my sister, as it happens) I’ve been a big fan. Today they are offering five prize packages, each of which will contain these items:

  • The Hymn Sing2-disc DVD of the performance documentary Roots and Wings: The Story of Indelible Grace and the RUF Hymns
  • 2-disc CD of The Hymn Sing: Live In Nashville
  • CD of By Thy Mercy: Indelible Grace Acoustic

Here is a taste of The Hymn Sing album:

Also, here is the trailer to the documentary video:

Finally, you will want to know that through the weekend (until Monday), The Hymn Sing double CD will be on sale at the Indelible Grace store for just $9.99. You’ll also find discounted combos.

Giveaway Rules: You may only enter the draw once. Simply fill out your name and email address to enter the draw. As soon as the winners have been chosen, all names and addresses will be immediately and permanently erased. Winners will be notified by email. The giveaway closes Saturday at noon.

Note: If you are reading via RSS, you may need to visit my blog to see the form.

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