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Free Stuff Fridays

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Free Stuff Fridays
This week’s Free Stuff Fridays is sponsored by Banner of Truth. They are giving away some excellent prizes this week. There will be five winners, and each of the winners will receive three books.

The first two books are new releases, while the last one has recently been re-typeset and brought back into print. Silent Witnesses is a classic Banner biography/theology title and the last two are excellent resources for understanding and fostering the work of the Spirit in the Christian life. It’s a great prize!

Silent WitnessesSilent Witneses: Lessons on Theology, Life and the Church from Christians of the Past, by Gary J. Williams. (Clothbound – Retail $24). In this book Garry Williams writes about Christians of the past for Christians of the present. He describes both famous and less well-known figures and movements from church history, from the fourth century through to the twentieth: Augustine of Hippo, the Council of Chalcedon, Martin Luther, William Tyndale, Nicholas Ridley, John Calvin, Anne Bradstreet, John Owen, Jonathan Edwards, and John Laing. As their lives are sketched and their writings expounded, they serve as silent witnesses to the essentials of the Christian Faith, to the challenges of Christian living, to the work of the pastor, and to the life of the church. At the end of the book, after their stories have been told, a final chapter makes the case for a Christian view of history itself.

Faith Shaped LifeThe Faith Shaped Life, by Ian Hamilton (Paperback – Retail $11). The Christian Life is a faith-shaped life. Faith is the instrument that unites us to Christ, but it is also the reality that shapes how we live in union with Christ. From beginning to end the Christian lives by faith. The aim of this book is to flesh out what it means to ‘live by faith’. The chapters are intentionally brief and packed with biblical teaching to encourage and challenge both younger and older Christians; and above all to point us relentlessly to Jesus Christ ‘the founder and perfecter of our faith’.

Work of the Holy SpiritThe Work of the Holy Spirit: An Experimental and Practical View, by Octavius Winslow (Paperback – Retail $12). The contents of this book cannot occupy a position too prominent in our Christianity, nor can it be a theme presented too frequently for our contemplation. All that we spiritually know of ourselves, all that we know of God, and of Jesus, and his Word, we owe to the teaching of the Holy Spirit; and all the real light, sanctification, strength and comfort we are made to possess on our way to glory, we must ascribe to him.

Giveaway Rules: You may enter one time. As soon as the winners have been chosen, all names and addresses will be immediately and permanently erased. Winners will be notified by email. The giveaway closes Saturday at noon.

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