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Free Stuff Fridays

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Free Stuff Fridays
This week’s Free Stuff Fridays sponsor is Evangelical Press. EP is a non-profit mission organization. Its mission is to place sound Christian books and sound biblical teaching within reach of as many people as possible across the world. One hundred per cent of purchases and giving enables EP to hold conferences, produce books, newspapers, radio shows and correspondence courses. They currently have EP employees working in three continents, and books printed in sixty languages.

This week EP is giving away 3 new books:

  • Does God Believe in Atheists? by John Blanchard
  • The Power to Save: A History of the Gospel in China by Bob Davey
  • Making Sanity Out of Vanity by Stanley Gale

Does God Believe in AtheistsOf these books, Does God Believe in Atheists? seems particularly noteworthy. “This award-winning title traces the development of atheistic and agnostic thinking over the past 2,500 years and shows how thinkers like Immanuel Kant, Friedrich Neitzsche, Albert Camus, Jean-Paul Sartre, Bertrand Russell and others have shaped many people’s thinking today. It also pinpoints the flaws in Darwinian evolutionism and in claims made for it by Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens and others, explains why secular humanism self-destructs, reveals why here is no conflict between science and belief in God, exposes fatal errors in nine world religions and fourteen major cults and shows why the existence of evil and suffering is no reason to deny God’s existence.”

Also, here’s a special deal for North American shoppers. EP titles are available in North America through Between now and July 15 you can use the discount code epbooks to get an extra 10% off any of their books.

Giveaway Rules: You may only enter the draw once. Simply fill out your name and email address to enter the draw. As soon as the winners have been chosen, all names and addresses will be immediately and permanently erased. Winners will be notified by email. The giveaway closes Saturday at noon.

Note: If you are reading via RSS or email, you may need to click through to see the form.

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