This week’s Free Stuff Fridays is sponsored by our friends at CBD Reformed. They are giving away 5 prize sets today, and each of the prizes will contain the following 3 books:
What’s Your Worldview? An Interactive Approach to Life’s Big Questions by James Anderson – Retail price $10.99
- Treasuring Christ When Your Hands Are Full: Gospel Meditations For Busy Moms by Gloria Furman – Retail Price $10.99
- Strengthen My Spirit by Charles Spurgeon – Retail Price $7.99
In addition, CBD Reformed is offering a 4-day sale (July 18 – 21) on the following three products:
- Let The Nations Be Glad! DVD by John Piper – Retail price $29.99 / sale $7.49
- Spurgeon’s Sermons, 5 Volumes by Charles Spurgeon – Retail $200.00 / sale $27.99
- ESV UltraThin Bible – retail 27.99 / sale $9.99
Enter to Win
Again, there are 5 prize packages to win. And all you need to do to enter the draw is to drop your name and email address in the form below. (If you receive this by email, you will need to visit to enter.)
Giveaway Rules: You may enter one time. As soon as the winners have been chosen, all names and addresses will be immediately and permanently erased. Winners will be notified by email. The giveaway closes Saturday at noon.