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Where The Discussion’s At

There is some fascinating discussion going on in various places around this site at the moment. I am WAY behind in answering comments/questions/emails so am dedicating time to that today. In the meantime, here is where you can find some good discussion.

  1. ScottMac (scroll WAY down) posted a critique of the Purpose Driven movement here. What caught my eye was his asseration that the PD movement fails to do the one thing it claims to do best, which is fulfill the Great Commission. If you have read The Purpose Driven Church (or The Purpose Driven Life) you’ll know that Warren’s whole philosophy of ministry is based around the Great Commission. Scotty says that rather than going out into the world, the PD church reverses things by seeking to draw the world into itself. He also says that the system “assumes the burden of being under law, that if ‘such and such’ is done, then ‘such and such’ will happen.” Fascinating!
  2. In regards to my music collection, Steve has typed out a well-thought-out challenge that perhaps collecting things such as music is not Biblical. He insists that he is not being judgmental and I certainly do not think he is – he is just questioning whether collecting such things is a valid use of the resources God gives us. He questions whether such collections prove that one has not totally surrendered everything to Christ. And that is a great question. I have not had opportunity to reply but will do so shortly.
  3. Pam writes about the great apostacy in regards to this post. She tries not to sound like a fanatic, but when one connects the Catholic Church to the antichrist (something a whole Cloud of Witnesses have done in the past), one always seems fanatical in our watered-down age.
  4. Finally, Anthony wrote a great response to this article about smoking. He concludes that though smoking may be stupid, it is not sinful.

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