I have been hinting at it for a while now, and if you read the various discussions in the forums you might even know the name. But after several weeks of development and more hours of data-entry than either my wife or myself care to count, I am ready to announce the launch of my new site.
This is a site dedicated to books that are of interest to Christians, and in particular to reviews of those books. However, rather than doing all the reading and reviewing myself, I am finding other discerning reviews from journals, web sites and blogs and am linking to them. My wife graciously agreed to track down hundreds of author biographies and photographs, so visitors can learn a little bit about authors before reading their books. The site also has a blog component that will provide ongoing information about the site as well as news that is of interest to readers.
This site was born from a desire to help Christians, especially new Christians and those who lack discernment, to find reading material that will edify them rather than tear away at their faith. My hope is that this site will become a resource for anyone who is looking for good reading material. Many of the books are also available to purchase through Amazon’s affiliate program, which I hope people will begin to use as a means to support the site.
So without any further ado, let me direct you to the Diet of Bookworms. The site is neither static nor complete, nor will it ever be, for it is an ongoing project with new content being added on a regular basis. There are many features I would like to add in the future, especially as visitors to the site begin to express what would make it a more valuable resource to them.
So please, take a look and tell your friends. I would like to call upon other bloggers to post a link to this site from their blogs, both to tell others about it and to let it be known to the search engines. I am providing the following button if you would like to link to it that way.