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Question For Bloggers

I was cleaning up my hard drive this afternoon and came across a whole bunch of different site design concepts that never actually made it onto the Web. While there was good reason for a lot of them, I could a couple that were actually pretty good. Since I have never used them I figured I’d see if anyone was interested in having one of them. While it needs to be fixed up a little bit, you can get an idea of what it looks like in the picture below (click on the picture to make it bigger).

I could help you turn it into a real site design if you were interested. I wouldn’t ask for anything in return, though if you got me a couple of books from my Amazon wish list I wouldn’t complain! If interested, either leave a comment here or send me an email. First come, first served and all of that. Of course even if someone else has expressed interest go ahead and post as I may dig up a couple more good ones.

So the question is, then…is anyone interested?

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