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New Web Sites

I have, once again, finished a couple of new web sites that I would like to link to. These ones may be familiar to readers of my site, so perhaps you’ve already seen the changes. Before I get to the sites, I’ll make a bit of pathetic plea: for some reason April tends to be a very slow month for me. At the same time it is also tax month, which tends to be quite expensive for self-employed folk. So if you have been pondering web design for your blog, your company, church or any other reason, I sure could use some work right about now.

Late last week I made a lot of updates to a site I completed just about a year ago, Ron is my uncle and is a particularly gifted artist. A couple of days ago I added some of his latest paintings to his porfolio. The design for his site was unique because he sat right here with me when I created it, and we tried to move his vision for his site from his sketchbook onto the computer screen. We both ended up being very happy with the final result. So if your house is suffering from bare walls and you’d like to liven them up, why not get in touch with Ron and remedy that situation?

On Thursday I received an email from Amy asking what the chances were of creating her a new site by the next day. I told her she was crazy but that I would give it a shot. After working hard through Friday and just a little bit of Saturday, we came up with a pretty effective design. Much like Ron’s site, this one was more about having me take her vision to the screen than having me create an original design. While we had some difficulty finding a banner that worked (she and I thought one thing and all her friends thought something else) in the end the site looks great and should serve her well. You can see it at Now if she can just get accustomed to using WordPress instead of Blogger…

The third project is one that took quite some time as Craig and I went back-and-forth on several ideas before arriving at something we were both happy with. Now that it is complete I am quite pleased with the final result. You can check out Craig’s site at

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