I don’t often advertise here, but I’ve found a really good deal I’d like to pass along. The company that hosts my Web site, along with the sites of many of my clients, is offering a deal for this week. They are doubling many of their services, so instead of getting 1 GB of storage space you will get 2 GB. Instead of 40 GB of bandwidth, you’ll get 80. And all this for $7.95 a month. It makes me wish I had waited another couple of months! So if you are looking for hosting for a Web site, drop me a note and I’ll give you the details.
A La Carte (December 17)
A La Carte: The Virgin Mary and modern therapeutic culture / Relational heresy and doctrinal heresy / The darkness does not win / How does God deliver from pain by pain? / Christmas with your adult children / and more.