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More Cliches Than You Can Shake A Stick At

Yesterday I picked up Building 429’s “limited edition” EP they released a month or two again. I did so simply because it seems they may become a fairly popular band in the Christian genre and I wanted to hear what they were all about. They have already scored some success on the charts with the song Glory Defined.

It’s not a very good song. It has a catchy tune, I suppose, but the lyrics are just not awfully inspiring. The song is composed almost entirely of cliches. Check it out:

There’s always a better way
there’s always a bridge that needs crossings
there’s always the straight and the narrow
the wide and the shallow
But I know that you’re guiding me
and the best is yet to come
You’ve given me hope for tomorrow
and I know some day

I’ll wake up to find
Your glory defined
and I will finally bow at your feet
I will lift up your name in honor and praise
when I cross over Jordan
I know that I’ll be running home to you

It’s always the simple things
it’s always the obvious that crashes over me
It’s always in front of me
it helps me to remember
this is what I live for
and I can’t wait


there’s never a question in your message

never a moment without your presence

there’s never a doubt in my mind

that I’ll …

Repeat Chorus and so on

So let’s see. We have:

  • there’s a better way
  • bridge that needs crossing
  • straight and narrow
  • wide and shallow
  • best is yet to come
  • hope for tomorrow

And that is all in the first verse!

Now maybe this is some new-fangled poetic technique that I have not become aware of, but I suspect it is actually just poor songwriting. This song has far too many cliches and not enough real content. Boo!

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