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It’s A Good Friday

It’s a good Friday. After all, this is a day off. I don’t know what these days are known as in other parts of the world but in Canada we call them statuatory holidays – days that, by law, we can (and should) have off. As someone who is self-employed I rarely know what days I am supposed to have off, but I happened to remember this one.

This morning we left the house bright and early, went for a delicious, nutritious and very large breakfast at some friends’ house, and then went to a local conservation area to learn how maple syrup is made. It’s quite an interesting process and one that produces one of the most delightful substances known to man. Did you know that it takes forty litres of raw Maple sap to make a single litre of maple syrup? No wonder it sells for $50 per gallon.

Anyways, this afternoon I am recording a seminar with the youth pastor from our church and will then be kicking back to read John MacArthur’s new book, Fool’s Gold. A good Friday, indeed.

I would love to write more, but my union representative assures me there will be trouble if I write much more than this. Apparently statuatory holidays carry with them strict word limits, and I dare not go against the union. Thus I wish you a good Good Friday and will talk to you again tomorrow, hopefully bringing a review of Fool’s Gold.

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