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Happy Thanksgiving

That’s right. Today, all the frozen tundras of the Great White North, Canadians are celebrating Thanksgiving. Where American Thanksgiving seems to serve as the beginning of the Christmas season, in Canada it serves as the unofficial beginning of autumn. The trees are just reaching the peak of their most beautiful colors, the last remaining birds are flocking together and beginning their migration to the warmer climate of the south, and the weather is beginning to turn cold. Driving around town this morning I had to put the heater on in the car for the first time this year, so colder times are clearly upon us.

I have much to be thankful for. You know, I often wonder how people who do not believe in God celebrate Thanksgiving. After all, when we give thanks, we gave thanks not only for something but also to someone. It seems that if a person does not believe in God, he can give thanks for something, but who does he give that thanks to? As believers we are able to give thanks to the One who provides all good things.

And in that vein I would like to give thanks to God for His neverending blessings. In particular I am thankful for:

My family – This seems like the most obvious place to start, doesn’t it? I have been blessed with a wife who loves me and has dedicated her life to this family and to raising my children in the most biblical manner. She has been willing and even eager to sacrifice a career for the sake of the children, choosing to remain home with them to give them the full attention of a loving mother. I am so greatful that she has chosen to do this and am equally greatful that I never had to try to convince her to do this. It was her wish from the beginning. I also have two children who, while they are on either side of the “terrible twos” are pretty remarkable and bring me untold pleasure. Beyond the immediate family, we receive so much support from our parents and siblings, for which we are so thankful.

Technology – I am thankful for technology, most notably the technology which has allowed the Internet to flourish. While the Net is used for as many evil purposes as good, it has allowed amazing breakthroughs in communication and has extended the reach of the gospel. And I am thankful that I can play a small part with this very website. Writing on this site has become a passion and one I enjoy more than I would have thought possible,

The Bible – I have always loved the word of God, but over the past year I have come to love it more than ever. I hope this is something I will be able to say every Thanksgiving. The more I learn about God and the more I study the Scripture, the more I come to appreciate it as the very words of God. The more I know of it, the more I realize I don’t know, which in turns drives me back to it. It is a vicious beautiful circle, and one I don’t think will ever end.

You! – I am greatful for the people who read this Web site and who take the time to email me and post comments in the forum. I have grown so much through the questions and exhortations that have come my way. This site, and most other weblogs, work best when the communication is two-way, and that has certainly proven true for me. So thank you to all who take the time to read and also (and especially) to those who talk back! I hope that you will continue to provide encouragement and chastening when necessary.

Friends – It was just about a year ago that some of our closest friends moved away, leaving a definite hole in our lives. But since then we have met some other friends that we wouldn’t trade for the world. Our home church continues to be the central point of our weeks and we look forward to gathering with a small but close-knit group of friends each Tuesday evening. I am thankful that friends can remain friends even when they live thousands of miles away and am also greatful for new friends (many of whom attend that home church).

I could go on and on, but will end there. I wish a happy Thanksgiving to all my Canadian friends and readers and wish God’s richest blessings on you today as you gather with friends and family. Take a few minutes to ponder all that you have to be thankful for, and while you are at it, ponder the One who gives you what you have to be thankful for. Give thanks to Him.

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