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Happy New Year

And just like that 2006 is upon us. I rang in 2006 in the same way I’ve rung in most of the last few years: I watched television from 11:59 until 12:01 and turned it off before the “Happy New Year” banner had been removed from the screen. Then I went to bed, whispered “happy new year” to my sleeping wife and quickly drifted off to sleep! Thankfully the neighbours did not see fit to walk through the streets banging pots and pans as they did last year.

As I look forward for the next 365-day period of life I am hesitant to set too many goals or form too many resolutions, though I cannot help but wonder what 2006 will bring. I do intend to continue my daily blogging and hope to read and review at least 100 books this year. As with every year, I hope and pray that my character continues to be shaped and molded more and more into the image of the Savior. I am looking forward to meeting my third child, who will (Lord Willing) be arriving at some point in May. For some reason I feel that 2006 will be a pivotal year in my life.

This morning, having cancelled our church and family plans today due to my son coming down with a fever, I took a brief look back to some goals I set for this year. Two of them were related to this site. The first was to blog every day of 2005 and I accomplished that goal. The second was to read and review 52 books. I am not entirely sure how many books I read, but I believe I reviewed almost 120. There were several that I read and for various reasons chose not to review. Accomplishing those goals, while I am glad that I did so, gives me far less satisfaction than I might have thought!

As I look back to 2005 I can see God’s provision in my life and am deeply thankful for so many blessings. I pray that God will continue to bless myself and my family as we enter a new year. I also pray that God will bless you, the reader, as you seek to serve him in 2006. May He be gracious to us all. May He bless and protect His church this year and forever. May He return soon.

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