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Friday Frivolity

Reach out and grab the book that is nearest to you. If there are two that are equally near, take the one with the prettiest cover. Open it up and turn to the 39th page. Find the third sentence. If a sentence carries over from page 38 to 39, consider that the first sentence. And now, click on the Post Reply button and let us know what it is.

In my case, the sentence is: “The prophecy in the Old Testament is that his name will be Immanuel, and then we go to the New Testament, and they don’t name him Immanuel; they name him Jesus.” For those who are curious, this is taken from R.C. Sproul’s book Now, That’s A Good Question which, for some reason, was propped on the printer beside me.

Seriously Disturbing

When I see things like this, I’m not sure if I should laugh or be shocked. Or both. Or maybe something else. You tell me…

Valentine’s Dinner

That little Related Stories box up there pointed me to an article entitled Friday Funny. It contains the following picture which, for some reason, makes me laugh every time I see it. If I lived just a little closer to Saskatoon, I’d take my wife here for Valentine’s dinner:


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