Here’s something new.
How would you like to add a daily Question and Answer from the Westminster Shorter Catechism and Heidelberg Catechism to your site? Or how about having them sent to your RSS Reader? This feed will take you through both catechisms twice per year.
To add a daily catechism question and answer to your RSS reader, simply add the following RSS feed: /catechism.php. It is updated every night.
Add It To Your Site
To add the daily question and answer to your blog or web site (as I have done on the lower left of the main page of my site), you have two options:
- The PHP Option. To do this you will need to have the ability to run PHP files on your site AND the page you add it to will need to be PHP. Simply download these files (click) and upload them to your server. Then add a PHP include to your page where you would like the Q&A to appear (
include ("catechisminclude.php");
). That is all there is to it. A new question will appear each day. - The Javascript Option. If you do not have PHP or can’t be bothered going that route, simply add the following code to your site where you’d like the Q&A to appear:
<script language="javascript" src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<a href="">View RSS feed</a>
Please let me know if you have any difficulties.
Many thanks to Robert Hamby for doing all the tough work for this!