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Cruciform Press Goes Live

Some time ago I told you that I was involved in beginning a new publishing company called Cruciform Press. Well, I’m glad to say that at long last we are official–our new web site has gone live and our first books are available for purchase.

If you are at the Desiring God conference this weekend, be sure to check out the books in the bookstore. And keep an eye out for my co-founders Bob Bevington and Kevin Meath, both of whom are there.

For the rest of you, be sure to visit and check it out. Let me share just a few details about our company.


What makes Cruciform different?

Probably the best one-word description is reliability: a new book, same price, every month. We just think it makes sense to offer you something reliable. We want to be:

  • reliable in our Christian theology
  • reliable when it comes to how often new books are released
  • reliable in the quality of our writing and editing
  • reliable in the distinctiveness of our book covers
  • reliable in the quality of our book layout
  • reliable in our pricing

Life is busy and complex. As Christians, we can be tempted to neglect our spiritual lives, especially when it comes to reading books that will equip and encourage us in our faith. At Cruciform, we want to help make that vital process of ongoing spiritual growth easier.

We want our books to be simple, clear, and reliable, as well as inspiring and helpful. Our hope in all this is to serve you well in your efforts to honor and live for Jesus Christ in the local community to which God has called you.


There is something else that makes us distinctive. We will release one book per month, always right around the first of the month. To make things easier for you, we are offering these books as a subscription–you can subscribe now and have a new book sent to you every month. Or, of course, you can buy only the books that interest you.

Also, we are offering all of our books in a variety of formats: printed, audio, PDF, and ePub.

Sexual Detox

Sexual Detox a Guide for Guys Who Are Sick of PornThe first book out the door is my own: Sexual Detox: A Guide for Guys Who Are Sick of Porn. You remember that I wrote Detox first as a series of blog posts and then as a free e-book. It deals with pornography and sexuality and, as indicated by the subtitle, is geared toward men. This new version of the book has been edited, expanded and just generally improved; even if you’ve read Detox before, you may want to do so again as it truly is much better now. I’ll have more to say about the book next week.

But for now, do know that it’s available right now in all of those formats. Learn More.

Wrestling with an Angel

Wrestling with an AngelThe second book, also available right now, is Greg Lucas’ Wrestling with an Angel: A Story of Love, Disability and the Lessons of Grace. It comes endorsed by Joni Eareckson Tada, Justin Taylor, Noel Piper and others. This is an exceptional book and one I know you’ll enjoy reading. Yes, I’m biased, I admit. But you can trust me! Here is a description of it:

“It sounded at first like something out of an old horror movie. I thought maybe someone was just playing around, but then I heard it again and again, a loud piercing cry, and less like Hollywood every time. The windows were down in my police cruiser on that warm fall day, but I still couldn’t tell where the sounds came from. I began looking around for the unlikely sight of someone being disemboweled in a mall parking lot on a Saturday afternoon. Seeing nothing, and still hearing the screams, I called in a ‘disturbance.’ Around the next corner I found the source of the commotion.” So begins Greg Lucas’ captivating account of life as a husband, a police officer, and Jake’s dad. Jake Lucas, the first of four children, lives with severe physical and mental challenges. Caring for him each day is an ordeal few of us can imagine, and this story of Jake’s first 17 years is not one you will soon forget. But the remarkable thing is how the whole narrative is saturated with wonder at the grace and goodness of God, who brings hope and promise through his Son into the darkest of circumstances. In this book, we see that Jake’s problems are our problems, only bigger, and the challenges of caring for him carry profound lessons about God’s care for us. Wrestling with an Angel is about tragedy and laughter and pain and joy. It is about faith and grace and endurance and God’s unfailing, loving wisdom daily being worked out in each of our lives, whatever the nature or extent of our difficulties. Here is a book that may explain faith to you in ways you never quite grasped, through a life few of us can relate to. When it is all done, we come away better able to live as Christ calls us to live.

It’s also available now in all of those formats. Learn More.

Visit our site and you can also learn about the books that will be releasing in December and January.

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