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Codex HostAs you may have noticed, I am now offering a small amount of advertising space on this site. It may or may not be coincidence that I began offering advertising at the same time as I bought my first house and began facing mortgage payments for the first time. I am handling all advertising requests personally and attempting to ensure that I only run advertising that might benefit the readers of this site. I have no plans to run BlogAds, Google AdWords or anything of that nature. These are not pay-per-click ads, but you can still support this site by clicking through and reading about whatever product is being offered. If you are interested in running advertising on this site, please feel free to contact me.

This week’s sponsor is Codex Hosting. Kevin, the owner of the company, has become a friend of mine. He is one of the few readers of this site whom I have met personally (he convinced me to drive all the way to Niagara-on-the-Lake to meet him!). He is positioning Codex Hosting as a company that will provide all the space, bandwidth and features needed for a wide variety of web sites, but in particular as a company that will provide great support. For those familiar with budget web hosting, I’m sure you are familiar with companies that oversell their products and underdeliver support! Kevin hopes to correct this trend, offering “more disk space and bandwidth than you need” (feel free to hold him to that!) and “most importantly, we offer friendly, personal service.”

Codex is offering a 20% discount to anyone who signs up for the service through my site. If you are in the market for hosting for a personal site, blog, church site, etc, why not give Codex a try. By doing so you’d support both Kevin and myself. What more could you want?

And now, back to our regularly-scheduled programming.

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (February 20)

    A La Carte: Defining healthy masculinity / The women who disappeared / Dear older women / When leaders fall, are you next? / A Storm in the Desert / Kindle deals / and more.

  • Building Churches

    Building Churches Out of Other Churches

    What is your church really made of? Or perhaps better said, who is your church really made of? This is something we all do well to ponder from time to time, for there are good ways and bad ways, better ways and worse ways to fill a church.

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (February 19)

    A La Carte: Don’t let your fears hold back your children / Denominations in an age of online over-exposure / Full-circle prayers / Secret things and revealed things / Building habits / John Mark Comer’s view of God / and more.

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (February 18)

    A La Carte: Very cool birds / The way to combat anxiety / Do not hinder yourself / The sacred mundane / Thriving in women’s ministry leadership / Kindle deals / and more.

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (February 17)

    A La Carte: Wisdom for online dating / Anything can be an idol / The great danger / Unconfessed sin / Sins we love to ignore / Kindle deals / and more.

  • Quality Time

    Quality Time

    People of all faiths pray. Some pray to gods, some to ancestors, some to nature, and some to the universe, but all speak out words, all utter desires, all hope to be heard. But Christians pray differently and Christians pray confidently, for we pray to a Father. We alone “have received the Spirit of adoption…