In your travels around the blogosphere today you may have noticed a few reviews of The Feminist Mistake by Mary Kassian. Chances are these books are part of a program I have put in place through the Diet of Bookworms. I have scoured the blogosphere to find blogs that meet two criteria: First, the blogger must be theologically-conservative and exhibit some discernment, and second, his or her blog must generate a fair amount of traffic. These two criteria have been surprisingly difficult to reconcile. I contacted several bloggers and asked if they would consider reading books and review them. These reviews will all be posted on The Diet of Bookworms.
The first book we have tackled through this program is The Feminist Mistake. We are currently reading several other books. We are reading these in manuscript form and will post reviews shortly after the book releases.
So far today reviews of The Feminist Mistake connected with this program have been published on the following site. I will update the list as others come through:
And of course I would encourage you to check out the newly-redesigned Diet of Bookworms where they are all nicely compiled.
I am looking for a snazzy name to refer to this program. I considered “bookswarming” but I don’t know that it really works. If you have any brilliant ideas, please let me know. And if you feel that you and your blog meet the criteria, or you know of another that does, feel free to contact me.