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Book News

I’ve got two quick book updates for you. And then I’m going to relax for the rest of the morning before heading into Chattanooga for the Reality Check Conference which begins later this evening. I’ll be bringing live updates from that event from this evening until Sunday morning.

First off, my book is now in stock at Amazon. So if you’ve been waiting to buy The Discipline of Spiritual Discernment at Amazon, you can now do so and get it shipped immediately. Once you buy it, be sure to write a review and post it at Amazon (whether you love or hate it)! I’ll let you know as it becomes available at other booksellers. I believe Monergism Books and Westminster Books will have it in stock in the next few days.

UPDATE: My book is now listed at Monergism Books. You can access it by clicking here.

Second, my friends at Monergism Books are having an “End of the Year Sale” that they are proclaiming their biggest sale ever. There are well over 100 products on sale and many at pretty deep discounts. It’s worth noting that all ESV Bibles are 45% off in case you’re in the market for a new Bible.

You can see the sale by clicking here.

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