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BlogSwap: How Blogging Has Impacted My Life (Entry 2)

Due to a late entry from James I will be posting two entries on my site for this BlogSwap.

When the topic of “How Blogging Has Impacted My Life” a few thoughts and emotions came to mind; nervous, how do I word this article, anxious, willing to share, and more. Needless to say, I am writing now.

I started blogging as an outlet to express emotions and my own personal struggles during a personal crisis back in 1999. There were times I would open up and express some deep-seeded conflicts and times where I would be “flippy” and write about “nothing.”

I really didn’t “blog” per say, but rather started an online journal. Over the years, my journal has evolved into it’s current rendering, A Journey of Faith and Life. I must admit I am not the best writer but it is not my intent of being the most grammatical in my entries. I write in freeform. That is, I write simply expressing my thoughts firsthand. Even my wife has to correct some of what I write fixing typos, some grammar errors, etc.

Through my journaling/blogging experience I have met many folks online. Many people have had supporting and opposing comments to my many posts at my blog/journal. As a former youth minister, it was great seeing comments from other youth ministers lending support and encouragement as I posted about the ups and downs of youth ministry. I also blog/journal as I make my own public statements about my faith, my Christianity. I’m not afraid of public opinion. I make my statements as public profession of who I am in God’s eyes, a sinner, yet redeemed by the blood of Christ. I’ve seen entries impact others lives, something I am grateful for. In my blog/journal I have been humble, prideful, happy, sad, angry, encouraging, reflective, and much more. You can be whatever you want to be in your blog/journal. I choose to be myself, flaws and all.

Name: James Bowman
Name of Blog: A Journey of Faith and Life
Description of website: A Journey of Faith and Life is about my own faith and life experiences. I have entries that are about “nothing” yet there are many others than give insight into my life and the events around me.

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