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About a week ago I mentioned on this site that I was working on a second site that was going to be about the basics of blogging. Since that time I have received HEAPS of emails begging me for more details. Actually, I’m making that up. I haven’t received any emails about it, but I am sure that you are all as excited about it as I am.

Though the site is not quite ready at this point, Google has decided to index it so I figured I may as well post about it here. I am trying to add one major article per day, so within a week or so the bulk of the content should be filled in. My hope is that the site will lead to some more people, especially Christians (and even more especially some of the readers of this site that have been pondering starting their own blogs…and that means you, Jeri!) to begin their own blogs. Blogging has revolutionized the way I view the Web and I am thrilled to have had the opportunity to learn from people like Rebecca, Doug, David, Matt, Tim (the other Tim)…and so on and so on. I would much rather here from your “ordinary, every day” Christians than your “professional Christians” and blogging affords us all the opportunity to do that.

So go ahead – take a look at the site and let me know what you think. And be gentle since I am making it public before it is really ready!

The address is, of course,

If you have a site of your own and would be kind enough to link to that site, I would very much appreciate it. It will allow Google to assign it more importance and hopefully drive a bit more traffic there.

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