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April Book and DVD Giveaway Wrap-Up

Thanks to all who participated in the giveaway of Hells Bells 2: The Dangers of Rock & Roll and Blog by Hugh Hewitt.

Unfortunately, as with the previous giveaways, there can be only two winners.

But first, if you have signed up for this giveaway, I assume you are a reader of books that are of interest to Christians. I have recently opened a new site which may be of interest to you. The Diet of Bookworms is a site dedicated to reviews of books that are of interest to Christians. All of the reviews have been written by discerning authors. There are hundreds of books, reviews and authors to read about, so why not give it a visit?

I am also pleased to say that on May 3 I will announce the next giveaway. The details are not fully in place yet, but it will once again feature an autographed copy of a great book and, in all likelihood, another great item.

And now, without any further ado, I will announce the winners of this month’s prize. As always, they were chosen by a random drawing of all the participants. They are:

Shannon Weaver
Michael Finegan

Congratulations to Shannon and Michael. I have contacted each of you seperately and the Bible and book will be shipped as soon as I receive your information.

As for everyone else, thank you for your participation. Hang in there until May 3rd when I will send information about the next giveaway.

And before I close, I would like to extend a personal word of thanks for participating in these giveaways. Enough people are participating now that authors, stores and publishers are beginning to take notice. This can only be a good thing, as I have been asked by many of these people if they would be able to co-sponsor a future giveaway. This ensures that there will be a steady stream of great items available to you! You can do your part by clicking the links to the contest sponsors and browsing through their goods.

If you would like to purchase Hells Bells 2, you can do so at The Apologetics Group.

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