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A Saturday Afternoon in L.A.

As you may know, I am heading to sunny California next week in order to liveblog The Shepherd’s Conference. I am anticipating that it will be a time of great growth for me, as I learn from the teaching of such men as R.C. Sproul, Al Mohler, Ligon Duncan, Steven Lawson and Mark Dever. And of course John MacArthur will be giving a couple of addresses. I consider it a great privilege to be able to blog this conference!

While the conference officially ends after Sunday’s worship service, he and I will both be leaving Saturday. It is my son’s birthday on Sunday and I want to be there to celebrate with him. Saturday’s itinerary is light. There are two general sessions in the morning and the afternoon is given as “Local Attractions and Activities.” This translates to “free time.” I will be accompanied for the week by a friend who has not yet mentioned on his blog that he will be travelling with me. Lest I make an announcement for which he is not prepared I will not give his name. There was a bit of a misunderstanding and he will be leaving the conference early Saturday morning. I do not leave Los Angeles until Saturday night (at 11:57 PM) as I’m catching the redeye home. Thus I have an afternoon and evening that is wide open since I really do not need to be at L.A.X. until 9:00 PM or so.

Never having been to California before, I thought I would ask you, the reader, what you suggest I should do on a Saturday afternoon in L.A. To this point I have received two suggestions. The first was that I tour the library and The Master’s Seminary. That’s a great idea, but I will have the opportunity to do that earlier in the week. Paul suggests that I should go to Tommy’s, a famous restaurant in the area. They are known for serving up a great chili burger. While that sounds tempting, I am not sure that it would be the best idea mere hours before I begin a 12-hour transcontinental trek back to Toronto. ‘Nuff said. But so you can see what I have decided I should probably not eat, here is Tommy’s famous burger:


If you managed to keep your lunch in your stomach and are still reading this, here is the nutritional information:


There has to be something better to do in L.A. And please don’t suggest anything that has to do with Hollywood, celebrities, amusement parks, beaches or spending vast amounts of money. I’d rather sit under a tree and read all day then stroll along the walk of depravity fame, go to the beach or go on rides! Actually, that doesn’t sound like a bad idea. But why go to California to read when I could do that just as well in Toronto?

I have been waiting for John MacArthur to invite me back to his place for some steaks and Cokes, but it doesn’t seem that an invitation is forthcoming. Maybe I should just invite myself over…

So you tell me: what should I do on Saturday afternoon?

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