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Final Call (March 3)

Final Call

Welcome to Final Call, a brief, hand-picked selection of news, articles, videos, and curiosities from the Internet and beyond. Today’s edition looks at productivity and leadership, a bit of satire, and offers a great giveaway.

Productivity and Leadership in the 21st Century

A couple of weeks ago, I was able to get some time with Chris Larson and Nathan Bingham of Ligonier Ministries to discuss productivity and leadership in the 21st century. Here’s the recording of our conversation, in case that’s of interest to you. Also, I need to do something more interesting with the wall behind my desk.

Free Stuff Fridays


This week’s Free Stuff Fridays is sponsored by the Christian Standard Bible which also sponsored the blog this week. They are giving away 5 copies of the new Christian Standard Bible in the premium leather edition. As you know, “The Christian Standard Bible captures the Bible’s original meaning without compromising clarity. An optimal blend of accuracy and readability, this translation helps readers make a deeper connection with God’s Word and inspires lifelong discipleship. The CSB is for everyone—for readers young and old, new and seasoned. It’s a Bible pastors can preach from and a Bible you can share with your neighbor hearing God’s Word for the very first time.”

Giveaway Rules: You may enter one time. As soon as the winners have been chosen, all names and addresses will be immediately and permanently erased. Winners will be notified by email. The giveaway closes Saturday at noon. If you are viewing this through email, click to visit my site and enter there.

Lutheran Satire

One of my favorite YouTube channels is Lutheran Satire. They do serious theology through funny videos. You’ve probably already seen Conall and Donall discuss bad analogies for the Trinity (“That’s modalism, Patrick!”).

A couple of other favorites are The Gilbert and Sullivan Mass…

… and C-3PO Crashes a Pentecostal Revival.

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