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Servanthood As Worship

Servanthood as WorshipAt the beginning of every month Cruciform Press releases one new book. Our book for December is Servanthood as Worship: The Privilege of Life in a Local Church by Nate Palmer. As someone who absolutely loves the local church, I’m really excited about this one.

Here is a description:

Browse a Christian book website or bookstore and notice all there is for leaders and would-be leaders. There are studies of leaders, keys to leadership, and tips on becoming a leader. Books that promote servanthood tend to be about leadership. But how many books inspire us simply to serve one another?

The appeal of leadership has hijacked the biblical call to servanthood. As a result, we major on a role that will only ever be held by a few, and we largely ignore a role that ought to be held by every Christian. Whatever happened to servanthood?

Servanthood as Worship offers Christians a biblical understanding of their calling to serve in the church, motivated by the grace that is ours in the gospel. It has the potential to revitalize service teams in churches across the world, from church plants to established congregations.

And here is what people are saying about it:

“In an age where the church can be likened to Cinderella – beautiful, but largely ignored and forgotten – Nate Palmer’s brief book forces us to rethink both the church and our relationship to her. In an age where egocentrism ensures we sing, ‘O say, can you see – what’s in it for me?’ on a weekly basis, Palmer forces us to say instead, ‘How can I best serve the church?’ Looking at the needs of others rather than one’s own is possibly the most serious deficiency in the church today. Reading this book will help redress the deficiency. I heartily recommend it.”
– Derek W.H. Thomas, Richards Professor of Theology, Reformed Theological Seminary (Jackson); Minister of Teaching, First Presbyterian Church, Jackson, MS

“Think of these pages as a handbook. Put this handbook into the hands of your people and you will give them a sustainable, practical vision for serving in the local church that is powered by grace. Along the way, they will also pick up a mini theological education.”
– Justin Buzzard, pastor, San Francisco Bay Area; author,

“In our media-crazed, me-first culture, the art of the basin and the towel has been shoved off onto those who get paid to serve – certainly a call to serve in humility can’t be God’s will for all of us, or could it? In this helpful little book, Nate Palmer gets at the heart of our resistance and portrays our dear Savior’s humiliation in his acts of service for us – not only as our example but also as our righteousness. I strongly recommend this book.”
– Elyse Fitzpatrick, author of Because He Loves Me

There is also an early review you can read.

You can buy Servanthood as Worship at Cruciform Press (where you’ll find your lowest prices) or at Amazon; it’s available in printed book or e-book formats. You may also like to consider subscribing to Cruciform Press in which case you will get the best prices and receive a new book every month.

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