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  • The New Calvinism: Areas of Weakness

    The New Calvinism has become a worldwide movement of Christians who are looking to the past to recover and live out the precious truths of Reformed theology. Having introduced the movement and having identified some ways in which we see evidences of God’s grace in and through it, I am now suggesting some weaknesses it…

  • Calvinism Evidences of Grace

    Evidences of God’s Grace in the New Calvinism

    In yesterday’s video, “Where Did All these Calvinists Come From?,” I provided a brief introduction to the New Calvinism—the recent resurgence of Reformed theology. I described how, in my assessment, it came about at least in part as a response to the excesses of the church growth movement (and an alternative to the emerging church…

  • Where Did All These Calvinists Come From

    Where Did All These Calvinists Come From?

    Where did all these Calvinists come from? This is a question I was asked recently and I thought I might answer in video format. Actually, I’ll answer in three videos. Today I’ll tell a little about the history of the New Calvinism, then in future videos talk about evidences of grace within the movement and…

  • The Immortal Goddess

    Yesterday I posted a brief reflection on the nineteenth chapter of Acts—a portion of Scripture that has often struck me as a hilarious commentary on human nature. Earlier this week, as I was reading through Phillip Ryken’s commentary on 1 Timothy, I found some thoughts he wrote about this portion of Scripture and immediately marked…