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  • EPIC Philippines

    EPIC: Philippines

    It was over a year ago that I announced my EPIC round-the-world project in which I’d be travelling to different countries to search for and research church history. Twelve months and 24 countries later, I’ve finally completed my final trip for 2018. Here is some footage from my recent trip to the Philippines. I’m so…

  • reading

    How Can We Stay Productive Over the Long-Haul?

    During a recent trip to China , I was invited to spend some time with some friends who live there. They asked me questions that ranged far and wide, but here we talk about productivity and how we can remain productive over the long-haul. Transcript How do you continue to come up with new ideas…

  • Is it worth a trip to the Holy Land

    Is It Worth a Trip to The Holy Land?

    You want to walk where Jesus walked. You want to see what Jesus saw. Is it a good use of your time and resources to visit the Holy Land? I was asked the question and took a crack at an answer. Transcript Today I want to take on a question that was sent to me…

  • This is the church in China

    This is the Church in China

    While in China last week, we met a local church pastor and took the opportunity to visit him. We did it on the train where we could speak with him discreetly. This is the church in China. Transcript Q: What’s the danger of being identified? A: I would be, I’m afraid that if like some…

  • New and Notable November

    New and Notable Books for November

    I get books. I get lots and lots of books. As you well know, once a month or so I like to try and thin the pile a little bit and distill it down to the ones I think may be of most interest to people like you. I hope you find at least some…

  • division, unity and Jesus

    Division, Jesus, Unity

    At this year’s G3 Conference I had the opportunity to share some of the lessons my church has learned as we’ve grown into a congregation that reflects many different kinds of diversity. In this video I explain how one passage has been meaningful to us. Transcript You know in the first section of Ephesians 2,…

  • church Membership

    Why Church Membership Matters

    In Quito Ecuador, I was recently asked: “We see many people here move from church to church regularly. Do you think this is okay, or is it a problem?” Here is my answer. This is the second and final answer I’ll share from that AMA which was translated to Spanish in real-time. Again, I thought…

  • Wrong with the Prosperity Gospel

    What’s Wrong with the Prosperity Gospel?

    I was recently in Quito, Ecuador, to do some historical research, to preach at a local church, and to participate in an Ask Me Anything session. I thought you may be interested in this question and answer about the prosperity gospel. And I thought you might find it interesting to see what it’s like to…

  • Epic Ecuador

    EPIC Ecuador: Not Just Any Dam

    Last week I headed south—far south—for the next leg of my EPIC journey. I went to Ecuador where, in very high altitudes and among beautiful landscapes, we tracked down a special object. Here is some of what I saw. This video is made possible with thanks to Zondervan. They’d like you to know about a…

  • Who Gives What: Should the Pastor know?

    Who Gives What: Should the Pastor Know?

    This is a question every pastor and his church needs to think about: Should pastors know if their congregants are faithful in tithing? Here is my answer. Transcript Today’s question comes from Trent. And he’s asking this: should pastors know if their congregants are faithful in tithing? Now that’s a good question, it’s one I’ve…

  • Satan temptation

    Eight Ways Satan Tempts You To Question Your Salvation

    As Christians we believe that Satan exists. While he is not equal in authority and power to God, and is a finite created being, he is still very powerful. Join me as I talk about some of the ways Satan tempts us to doubt our salvation. Transcript As Christians, we believe there is a devil,…

  • college

    Why We Chose a Christian College

    Two of our children are still in the public school system, yet our son is attending a Christian college. A reader wrote and asked us about that decision. Here is my answer.  Transcript As you know, I get lots of questions in and love to answer some of the ones that come from people…

  • New and Notable Books for October

    New and Notable Books for October

    I get books. I get lots and lots of books. As you well know, once a month or so I like to try and thin the pile a little bit and distill it down to the ones I think may be of most interest to people like you. I hope you find at least some…

  • reading

    Tips for Reading Better & The Future of Books

    During my recent trip to India I was asked what I thought about the future of reading and about the different trends I see in reading (focusing on the different media through which people encounter words). I was also asked for tips to help people remember what they read. Here are my answers. Transcript How…

  • Life and ministry

    How Can You Balance Life and Ministry and Your Passions and Hobbies?

    At a recent event in India I was asked two interesting questions on a common theme: “How should a pastor balance his life outside of the church with his calling to ministry?” and “How should a pastor think about passions and hobbies outside of ministry?” These are issues I’ve thought about a lot and attempted…

  • Practicing Church Discipline & Man-Pleasing vs God-Pleasing

    During my recent trip to India I participated in an Ask Me Anything event and was asked a couple of questions I thought might be of interest to you. One concerned practicing church discipline and the other how to avoid the temptation to be a man-pleaser instead of a God-pleaser. Here are my answers to…

  • The Joys and Challenges of the Church in India

    The Joys and Challenges of the Church in India

    While I was in India, I had the privilege of sitting down with a dear friend who pastors a key local church in northern India. I got to ask him questions about some of the joys and some of the challenges of ministry in that great land. Here is our brief discussion. Transcript Tim: What…

  • Entertainment and Compromise

    Entertainment Choices and Compromise

    At a recent Ask Me Anything event in India, I was asked if I felt Christians often disconnected their entertainment choices from their faith, especially in the area of watching Hollywood and Bollywood films. Here is my response. Transcript Do you think that Christians often disconnect their entertainment choices from their faith? It’s actually a…

  • Amy Carmichael

    A Day With Amy Carmichael (EPIC: India)

    Nine months into my round-the-world EPIC journey, I finally visited India where I was able to spend a day at Dohnavur Fellowship, the incredible organization founded by Amy Carmichael. Here is a little bit of what I saw and experienced. This video was sponsored by Zondervan, and they would like you to know about the…

  • New and Notable Christian Books for September

    It’s that time again. I get a lot (a lot!) of books in the mail. I don’t have time to review them all, but once in a while I like to let you know about some that may be of particular interest to you. Here they are.  These are the books I introduce: Transcript…