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  • The Bridegroom Who Pursues You

    This week the blog is sponsored by Core Christianity and this post is written Pastor Adriel Sanchez, host of Core Radio, a daily live radio program aimed at answering tough questions about the Christian life. Core Christianity exists to help people understand the core truths of the Christian faith through their daily radio program, web…

  • Five Reasons You Should Attend Sing! 2021

    This post is sponsored by Getty Music and written by Keith Getty. Register before June 10 for Sing! 2021 to take advantage of Spring rates. Save an additional 15% when you use the code CHALLIES at checkout. Register today or learn more at What a year it has been! The challenges of the pandemic…

  • Am I My Body?

    This week the blog is sponsored by Baker Books and is adapted from Gregg R. Allison’s new book Embodied: Living as Whole People in a Fractured World. “I am my body.” Do you agree or disagree with this statement? I’m not asking about your assessment of the statement “I am only my body.” That can’t…

  • What Does Religious Liberty Have to Do with Christian Mission?

    This week the blog is sponsored by Brazos Press and is adapted from Andrew T. Walker’s new book Liberty for All: Defending Everyone’s Religious Freedom in a Pluralistic Age. It is common to hear religious liberty advanced under the banner of the “free market of ideas.” While we should exercise caution in reducing evangelism to…

  • 3 Weights to Lay Aside as You Run the Race of Faith

    This week the blog is sponsored by The Good Book Company, which publishes biblical, relevant, and accessible resources like those recommended below. The Christian life is sometimes pictured as running a race. Hebrews 12:1, for example, exhorts us: “Let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run…

  • Free Stuff Fridays

    Free Stuff Fridays (Radius International)

    This week’s Free Stuff Friday is sponsored by Radius International They are giving away a conference package that includes: 2 tickets, a Radius pullover, and 4 books. The winner will receive two free tickets to the Radius Missiology Conference being held June 23-24, 2021, at Bethlehem Baptist Church, Minneapolis, MN. This event will be live…

  • Mother’s and Father’s Day Gift Ideas

    This sponsored post was prepared by Missional Wear. “Never could it be possible for any man to estimate what he owes to a godly mother.” Charles Spurgeon wrote these words while reflecting on his parents and early childhood life. In the coming weeks we too will dedicate special time to celebrate and honor these mothers…

  • Nearly 70% of Americans Say This Common Budget Buster is a MAJOR Stressor

    This week’s blog post is sponsored by Medi-Share, the affordable CHRISTIAN alternative to health insurance. According to the American Psychological Association, two-thirds of Americans across all income levels say health insurance is a significant financial stressor. That’s simply too high. Plus, for Christians, there is a worthy alternative: Medi-Share, a Christian health care sharing platform…

  • The Questions Women Asked and Their Impact Upon the Church

    This week’s blog is sponsored by Reformation Heritage Books and written by Simonetta Carr—who encourages you to keep asking questions. Be sure to take a look at her new book Questions Women Asked. Unending Questions Kids ask a lot of questions. According to a 2013 British study by, girls do so more than boys,…

  • Is Your Doctrine of the Trinity Novel?

    This week the blog is sponsored by Baker Books and is adapted from Matthew Barrett’s new book Simply Trinity: The Unmanipulated Father, Son, and Spirit. “If Christian theology today is sometimes in disarray… one of the major reasons is…its lack of roots.” —John Webster I have always wanted to travel to Lebanon and touch one…

  • Do We Really Believe in Equality?

    This week the blog is sponsored by Baker Books and is adapted from Michael Sherrard’s new book Why You Matter: How Your Quest for Meaning Is Meaningless without God. We live in an ironic time. The belief that all people should be treated equally is spreading, and yet, so is hatred. People genuinely hate each…

  • Who Will Your High School Student Be On The Other Side of College?

    This week the blog is sponsored by Boyce College and they are inviting you to join them for their Virtual Preview Day on March 26th. Who will your high school student be on the other side of college? That is a question every thoughtful parent ponders as they consider post-secondary educational options. You will learn…

  • Hypocrisy is Hard to Avoid: 3 Kinds of Hypocrisy We’re Especially Prone To

    This week the blog is sponsored by The Good Book Company, which publishes Biblical, relevant, and accessible resources like those recommended below. Dwight L. Moody once said, “Out of 100 men, one will read the Bible, the other 99 will read the Christian.” When you look at today’s headlines about Christians in the news and…

  • Drawing Close to God Amid Bitter Circumstances

    This week the blog is sponsored by Baker Books and is adapted from Stephen Viars’ new book Overcoming Bitterness: Moving from Life’s Greatest Hurts to a Life Filled with Joy. Do you have any bitterness in your life? As a pastor attempting to shepherd our church family through a worldwide pandemic, I have had a…

  • The Unexpected Benefits of Online Counseling

    This sponsored post was provided by Burke Counseling Group which invites you to book an online appointment with their trained biblical counselors. Transition brings change. And change brings new levels of sanctification into our lives. Many people, just like you and me, are experiencing new levels of sanctification as they continue to be “conformed to…

  • AGTV: A New Bible-based Streaming Network

    This week the blog is sponsored by AGTV, a new video streaming service that features a carefully curated collection of films and television series such as American Gospel, Luther, Calvinist, Christianity Explored, and Epic. In Paul’s letters to Timothy, he repeatedly exhorts him to “Guard the deposit entrusted to you.” (1 Timothy 6:20). “Guard, through…

  • The Good Book Company’s Cyber Week Sale!

    This week the blog is sponsored by The Good Book Company. They are encouraging you to give the gift of God’s Word. Pick up a great deal on books for all ages with up to 50% off this week only. FREE Shipping on orders over $30. Offer runs until December 4th.

  • Overcoming Paralysing Fear – with Fear!

    This week the blog is sponsored by RHB Publishing and written by Christina Fox, author of the excellent new book A Holy Fear. If you could sum up 2020 in one word, which one would you use? What about “fear”? Did you feel its presence as news of the novel coronavirus crept its way across…

  • The Reformed Gift Guide — Top Gift Ideas for 2020!

    This sponsored post was prepared by Missional Wear This has been a year unlike any other, which means that getting your Christmas list checked off early is even more important that ever! My friends at Missional Wear have all of the best gift ideas here in one place, so you’re sure to find something for…