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    The Top 10 Books on Reconciling Divine Sovereignty and Free Will

    This sponsored post was prepared by Scott Christensen, author of What About Free Will? Trying to grasp the theological conundrum of God’s sovereignty and human free will is like pitting Batman against Superman. A standoff seems inevitable. Surely one of the two must be sacrificed. Historically, Arminians and others have answered this dilemma by positing…

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    10 Tips for Evangelizing Your Muslim Neighbor

    This sponsored post was provided by Tabletalk magazine. 1) Regard your Muslim friend as an individual who is in as much need of salvation as any other human being, including you. Every nonbeliever must be seen as a divine appointment sent to us by God. While some will not respond, others will come to faith…

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    No Such Thing as “Secular”

    This sponsored post was prepared by The Master’s College. We give the Scripture supreme place because it honors the lordship of Christ over His Church. I’m always concerned when I go to churches or when I hear about churches where the Word of God is not taught, where Scripture is not exposited, where the whole…

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    What It Looks Like to Live Inside God’s Grace

    This sponsored post was prepared by D.A. Horton, author of Bound to be Free. I have lived a good portion of my life in what I call the “performance trap”. I used to feel that I would never be good enough to receive the love of God. Every waking hour I felt a sense of…

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    An Inspirational Calendar from Hell?

    This sponsored post was prepared by The Master’s College. In discussing hermeneutics (or the study of how we interpret the Bible), the following example comes to my mind. On March 10, a friend of mine opened up his calendar. He has one of these devotional calendars that gives you an inspirational thought for the day,…

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    The Difference Between Costly Sacrifice and Needless Burnout

    This sponsored post was prepared by Christopher Ash. “I would rather wear out than rust out,” George Whitefield once said. Many pastors today are doing exactly that: Almost half of US pastors and their wives say they have experienced depression or burnout to the extent that they needed to take a leave of absence from…

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    The Number One Reason We Struggle Overcoming Sin

    How many times have you wondered, “Why is being holy such a battle? It seems I start to get things right, and then all my good intentions go flying out the window. Why can’t I get over this (whatever this is) and start living the way I know God wants me to?” The answer is,…

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    Have Mercy! Listen to the Stories

    This sponsored post was prepared by David Apple on behalf of CLC Publications. Relationships are the basis of merciful conversations In 1968, The Kerner Commission published a report on racial conditions in this country. One of its conclusions was that there were two unequal Americas: one white, one black. Most people who grew up in…

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    Why the Bible Is Hard to Understand—and What You Can Do About It

    This sponsored post was prepared by Professors J. Scott Duvall and J. Daniel Hays on behalf of Zondervan Academic Online Courses. It’s common for Christians to say they’ve read the Bible their whole lives. But many don’t completely understand what large portions of the Scriptures mean. 3 Bible reading mistakes Without help, it can be…

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    iPhones, Androids, and Your Church

    This week’s sponsored post was prepared by Finalweb. There’s no denying that the world has gone “mobile.” In the last few years, life has changed dramatically thanks to the little rectangles most of us rely on and rarely separate from. For the church, technology sometimes almost feels a little out of place. For those of…

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    Equipped for Christlikeness

    This sponsored post was prepared by The Master’s College. 1 Peter 2:2 says, “…as newborn babes, desire the pure milk of the Word, that you may grow by it.” 2 Timothy 3 says the same thing, that all Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable, that the man of God may be…

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    What is Truth?

    This sponsored post was prepared by The Master’s College. Ask anyone today, “What is truth?” and you’re sure to start an interesting conversation. Try it on a university campus and you’re likely to receive laughter, scorn, and derision. The concept of truth has clearly fallen on hard times, and the consequences of rejecting it are…

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    Blowing the Dust Off the Ol’ Website

    This sponsored post was prepared by Ryan Freeman on behalf of Strider. It’s January 4th, which means that if you’re a reader of many blogs, or active on social media, you’ve already been inundated with a flood of new year lists, and last year recaps. Yes, this is one more post in the theme of…

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    CLARIFYING THE BIBLE Helps Your Bible Reading

    This sponsored post was prepared by Mitch Maher. “Clarifying The Bible goes to war with that intimidation [a big Bible!] and equips and frees men and women to engage the Scriptures with a passion and freedom. I’ve personally seen people move from Biblical apathy to passionate students of God’s Word after engaging Mitch and Clarifying…

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    Why I Sing Psalms

    This sponsored post was prepared by Rosaria Butterfield on behalf of Crown and Covenant. I came to Christ with more bad habits than good, and the Lord’s sanctifying touch at first left me lonely and out of sorts. Frankensteinian. An amputee. Despised by my girlfriend but beloved by my God. As a postmodern professor, I…

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    The Perfect Christmas Gift For Your Pastor

    Being a pastor is not easy. It often doesn’t pay all that well, it’s emotionally taxing, and many times we fail to appreciate or even thank our pastors for their tireless work on our behalf. So, What SHOULD You Give Your Pastor? Obviously the best and most helpful thing that you can do for your…

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    Reformed Baptist Seminary

    This sponsored post was prepared by Reformed Baptist Seminary. Reformed Baptist Seminary is a church-based ministerial academy that provides a full theological curriculum as either a Master or Bachelor of Divinity degree. It also offers a streamlined 34-credit program. Both programs can be completed via online learning as well as through our modular format live…

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    How To Make Christmas the Best of Times

    This sponsored post was prepared by The Good Book Company. To mildly mangle Charles Dickens, December is the best of times, and the worst of times. The best, because in the depths of winter we remember the heights from which the Word came. We marvel at his journey from the heavenly throne room to the…

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    A Valuable, Time-Saving Resource for Busy People

    This sponsored post was prepared by Books at a Glance. Books At a Glance is a Christian book summary service. We take the newest and most significant books that Christian publishers, such as Crossway, Zondervan, IVP, B&H, Baker, etc. publish, and then every week we take one or two of those books and condense them…

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    Men, We Can’t Just “Do It”

    This sponsored post is provided by Dan Doriani and P&R Publishing. Why are there so many books, especially books for men, that reduce the Christian life to a string of techniques and how-to lists? Every man has seen a book that lists four steps for building lasting friendships, five techniques for raising obedient children, six…